Thursday, February 2, 2017

Thursday, February 2 -- Week 5 EARLY CALENDAR

Kudos to Jaia for catching up!
Kudos to Jimel for self-advocating and making a plan for his leadership work!
Week 5 continues and is due tomorrow.  

Be sure you send me your Windshield Check today.

Remember if you have trouble with a link, try copying and pasting it into a new tab or a new browser.  If the Goldsmith link is not cooperating, try using (Links to an external site.)

To ensure that I can see your work, here are a few suggestions for future assignments:

Ready, learn, lead!

You continue to explore leadership online this week. One of the most common ways we access the internet is with our phones. And one of the biggest ways we procrastinate is to overuse our devices.  How about using your device for good instead of procrastination? 

Here is one way how...
It is important to see leadership in action around the world.  If you are too busy to watch the news, try listening to it.  Choose one or more of the following podcasts from NPR to explore leadership in current events:
EC Contact (1).png

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