Friday, February 3, 2017

Friday, February 3 -- Week 5 EARLY CALENDAR

Shout out to Leslie and Jamie for an excellent Windshield Check! 
Week 5 is due today.  Thank you for the great Windshield Checks!  Check out this sample check from one of my students:
I would say that my week started a bit muddy but after reading the material and watching the video on leadership everything is much clearer. There is a lot that goes into being a leader. Really has me ready to write my ideas about the difference between a manager and a leader.

Here are a few reminders:
  • Remember to work daily.
  • Try the following schedule: Complete lesson work on Monday/Tuesday, discussion forums on Wednesday, journals on Thursday, and catch up missing work/work ahead on Friday.
  • You should be reading feedback from me, adding to the discussion boards, and reading announcements daily.  

Remember if you have trouble with a link, try copying and pasting it into a new tab or a new browser.  If the Goldsmith link is not cooperating, try using (Links to an external site.)

Ready, learn, lead!
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Leadership online involves being proactive about what you share on social media.  When it comes to the internet, it is important to remember that anything you put out there is going to be there permanently.  You should apply the same rules to the online world that you apply to the face-to-face world:
  • Think before you speak. It may be easier for some people to express feelings and ideas when you are not sitting in front of someone, however ask yourself if you would say those same things to someone sitting in front of you.  You may feel anonymous, but you are not.  Read everything again before you hit submit or send.
  • Avoid oversharing.  Everything you post becomes public knowledge and can be found by parents, employers, and those wishing to harm you.  Would you want your grandmother (or the person you most respect) to read that post or see that picture of you? 
  • Be kind. Just like when you comment on a classmate's post in weekly discussion forums, social media interactions should be positive and uplifting.  Make sure what you post and what you comment is supportive and not defeating.  Remember your audience and be respectful.

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