Friday, February 3, 2017

Friday, February 3 -- Week 2 TRADITIONAL CALENDAR

Kudos to Nicole and John for his windshield check!
Week 2 due today. I will not count work late if it is submitted by Sunday, February 5 -- you have a grace period built-in to each week.  
Week 1 work was due this past Friday. If you are new to the course or had other difficulties getting started, do not worry -- I will work with you as you catch up. Please reach out to me via course message, text, or email ASAP so that I can help you.
Remember to read and follow the grading policies.  Click here to review Course Documents.
Thank you for the Windshield Checks!  Here is an example of an AWESOME Windshield Check:
I would say that my week started a bit muddy but after reading the material and watching the video on leadership everything is much clearer. There is a lot that goes into being a leader. Really has me ready to write my ideas about the difference between a manager and a leader. 
Logging in for the first time?  Be sure to read the Daily Announcements from Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday so you know what to do to get started.
Ready, set, lead!  

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Week 2 introduced you to leadership theories and helped you understand the difference between leadership and management. You also explored leadership styles.  The information you explored will serve as your foundation for this next part of your leadership journey.  As we cover more content, remember the theories so that you understand the "why" behind leadership actions.  Remember your well-developed style but work on your least developed styles as well.  When you post assignments, reference the material you learned -- make connections to our new material by relating it to what you learn in the previous week.  To be successful leader, we must make connections.  

Maria Popova said "in order for us to truly create and contribute to the world, we have to be able to connect countless dots, to cross-pollinate ideas from a wealth of disciplines, to combine and recombine these pieces and build new castles."  Have you built a castle today?  

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