Monday, February 6, 2017

Monday, February 6 -- Week 6 EARLY CALENDAR

Great work, Matthew O.! He made a connection to the face to face world in his Week 5 Journal!
Great work, Takayla! She is applying the feedback I leave in the gradebook to her current assignments!
Week 6 begins today!  

I am opening all past weeks for today and tomorrow.  On Wednesday, I will open Week 7 for anyone ready to move ahead.

Ready, learn, lead!
Week 6 is about creativity.  John Cleese, a British actor known best for his comedic creativity in Monty Python, said, "Creativity is not a talent. It is a way of operating."  According to Steve Jobs, "creativity is just connecting things."  What do you have in common with Cleese and Jobs?  You, too, will attempt to define creativity with this week's content.  Read more cultural icons and their definitions of creativity by clicking on the visual below: 

Here are tips for Week 6 assignments:
Dreams Questions  Be sure you refer to Maxwell's reasons in your text -- which of his reasons do you think fit why your dream did not take flight?  Be sure to state your dream and then to explain it.  For question #2, be sure to state how this information can specifically help you as a leader.  Answering "no" or "it cannot help me" is not an answer.
Creativity Animoto As the week's theme states, be creative!  Include your dreams -- even the ones you might not think possible -- in your Animoto.  What do you want to do when you graduate? What are the creative things you do with your friends (and remember that creative is not just about being artistic)? What are the creative parts of your personality? If you encounter difficulty with a program such as Wordle or Animoto, feel free to use another program that works better for you.  I understand that some school systems use different operating systems and have different firewalls.  Technology is important but remember it is a vehicle for delivering your knowledge -- it is necessary to drive a different car once in a while!  Alternatives are listed with the assignments and/or I am happy to offer alternative web tools.
Earth Colony (4 posts, 4 replies) - Students love these forums! Unlike previous weeks, you have FOUR POSTS and at least FOUR REPLIES.  One post and reply in the "Who Shall Go?, " one post and reply in the "What Will You Bring?," one post and reply in the "What About Money?" and one post and reply in the "The Governor Must Go."  Be sure your replies are SPECIFIC -- avoid "I like your answer" as well as replies that are rude.  Remember to check back throughout the week to see what your classmates are saying -- have fun and BE CREATIVE!
NC Governor Journal - State the principle and then explain why leaders need to follow it.  Connect the principle to your leadership journey -- why do you need to follow it? Explain your answer and offer details. Remember that the prompt is not included in your word count!

EC Contact (1).png

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