Thursday, January 26, 2017

Thursday, January 26 -- Week 1 TRADITIONAL CALENDAR

Shout out to Christine for an awesome All About Me padlet!  Be sure to check it out in the Week 1 Discussion Forum!
Shout out to Aubree for an awesome Week 1 Lesson 1!

Will you see your name here?  I will post student celebrations here each day -- celebrations may be about something awesome you do within the course or something great that is happening to you outside of the course.

You should be finished with the Getting Started module and working on Week 1 today. Week 1 is due Friday.  Today is Windshield Check Day!  Read the separate announcement about what they are and how to complete them -- I look forward to hearing from you!
Be sure you are reading my comments in your gradebook -- some students say the feedback is as rewarding as the work!
To turn in your work,
Logging in for the first time?  Be sure to read the Daily Announcements from Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday so you know what to do to get started.

Ready, set, lead!  
team problem solving.png
You have the opportunity to collaborate with your peers each week in our discussion boards.  Replies to classmates should show your understanding of what your classmate said and then offer affirmation and/or advice related to the week's content and your life experience.  Back up your ideas in your replies the same way you would back up your ideas in your assignments -- state evidence and explain it.  Devon Haynie said it best in his article for US News:
Students should also keep in mind that discussion boards are meant to be conversations, where each post builds on the previous comment.  "Good response posts are response posts that do not only agree or disagree," says Ebner. "When you read another student's post, you have the ability to expand the conversation." To do that, students can reference material or, when appropriate, relate it to their own life experience, he says. 
- From "5 Ways to Ace Discussion Board Assignments in an Online Class" by Devon Haynie
Go back and read the comments you posted in the Week 1 Discussion Forum -- were they quality? did they encourage dialogue? Get to know your classmates.  You must reply to at least 1 classmate in future discussion forums (the requirement for Week 1 is 3) but I encourage you to reply to more.  I agree with Haynie and believe discussion forums should be a place to open dialogue.  As I have posted in my feedback, I encourage you to repost replies to your classmates if they do not meet course requirements.  Practice makes PERMANENT!


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