Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wednesday, December 7 -- Weeks 17 and 18 EARLY CALENDAR

Congrats to YOU!  You made it to the end of the course!  
Week 17 and 18 begin today.  Our course ends on Friday, December 16.  
The Leadership Guidebook Proposal you are creating is weighted the most of your 3 final exam activities.  Be sure you are following the directions and including all of the required elements.  The suggested template is just that...suggested.  Use the template for details about each element however you may use any web tool you want to use to create your final product.  Here are a few web tools that may be help you:
  1. Microsoft Office and/or Open Office and/or Google Applications -- each of these tools include a presentation maker
  2. Prezi -- free version available
  3. Posterini -- free version would be great for creating your book cover
  4. Piktochart -- infographic maker free version available
  5. Smore -- free version available (I love this tool and it is easy to use)
Headings created by Melissa Dettman using Canva.

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