Thursday, December 1, 2016

Thursday, December 1 - Week 16 EARLY CALENDAR

I am so proud of Dyamond for ignoring criticism and choosing to move forward -- way to be a leader!
Allisa's definiton of leadership continues to grow! She connected her current work to previous content when she referenced traits such as self-confidence and persistence.

Week 16 is due Monday, December 5.  It is our LAST week of new material.
We have 1 new week of course material left in our course and then 2 weeks of final exam activities. Our course ends on Friday, December 16.  Please read the separate announcement posted in this forum about final exam activities.  
I have re-opened all weeks for to allow you to catch up on any missing work.  Weeks 1-14 will close on December 5 so use your time wisely.  Remember that late work penalties apply to any missing work you turn in during this time.  Be sure to message me in the course when you have added a reply to any discussion board -- I do not see your replies automatically.
During World War I and II, governments used propaganda to empower citizens. This Rosie the Riveter poster was used by the US during WWII.  To learn more about propaganda posters, click on the poster below:
Headings created by Melissa Dettman using Canva.

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