Friday, December 9, 2016

Friday, December 9 -- Weeks 17 and 18 EARLY CALENDAR

Congrats to YOU!  You made it to the end of the course!  
Week 17 and 18 have begun and our course ends on Friday, December 16.  
I will post feedback to your final exams today -- my family and I have been sick this week.
Reflect on Your Leadership Journey
Your final exam activities ask you to do what your daily assignments asked you to do -- reflect on your leadership journey.  When you complete the 3 activities, remember to include that journey in your answers.  Discuss what you have learned about leadership as well as about yourself.  Use the content (i.e. personality results, Maxwell's articles, quotes, etc.) as evidence to show your strengths and weaknesses -- the content can back up or it can be refuted based upon what you think.  Include your strategies for overcoming your weaknesses and using your strengths in your school, your community, and your profession.  Think about what you would put into a leadership course (i.e. more hands-on activities, less writing, etc.) and include those things in your guidebook proposal.
Use the vocabulary you have learned.
Remember the vocabulary from the beginning of each unit?  All of the vocabulary has been included at the beginning of Week 17-18 so that you can reference definitions and choose the best words for your guidebook.  Be sure to include the vocabulary in your final exam activities! 
Use quotes to explain your journey.
A note about quotes...many of you have listed the quotes as one of your favorite parts of the course.  You have picked a few of your own this semester but now you have the opportunity to pick many!  Find different quotes whenever possible so that you have the chance to use your leadership online skills.  Be sure to cite the quotes (can be internally in the guidebook or as a works cited with your guidebook). 
Headings created by Melissa Dettman using Canva.

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