Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Wednesday, November 2 -- Weeks 10 and 11 TRADITIONAL CALENDAR

Way to self-advocate, Aaron!  He stays on top of his grades!
Shout out to Coty for his consistency and his quality work!

Weeks 10 and 11 begin yesterday.  Because we are learning about Stephen Covey's habits, the assignments are spread out over 2 weeks/modules.  Weeks 10 and 11 will be due together on Monday, November 14.  Be sure to manage your time over the next 2 weeks!  I recommend following the normal schedule and doing Week 10 by next Monday and Week 11 by the 14th..
I posted a progress report last night for your schools.  Remember that NCVPS reports cumulative grades -- this grade is not a 9 weeks grade.
For the next two weeks, you will explore Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of the Most Effective People.   As you learn about each habit, remember to connect your answers to the real world.  Covey's habits are about being a well-rounded leader.  I watched a documentary recently about a man who used Covey's habits (of course not by name) to lead his men out of an ambush.  Master Sergeant Scott Ford received the Silver Star after serving in Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.  I encourage you to read a quick synopsis of Ford's leadership and then to watch a documentary recounting what happened April 6, 2008.  Listen for Covey's habits -- how did Ford lead his men? How did he lead himself? How did he help his men to survive?

Take a few minutes to see leadership in a crisis and renew your American spirit.  In this day of division and strife, it is important to see an example of unity.

Message me in the course (use the inbox or send me a message from the gradebook, text/call me outside of Canvas at 9196-435-2008, email me at, or message me using Remind.  If I do not answer right away, I will answer as soon as I can and definitely within 24 hours.  You can also get help using the Peer Tutoring Center -- click on the PTC quick link on our homepage.

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