Thursday, November 3, 2016

Thursday, November 3 -- Week 12 EARLY CALENDAR

Congratulations to the Chicago Cubs!  They are the 2016 World Series Champions!  Go Cubbies!  I ain't afraid of no goat!
Week 12 continues and is due next Monday.  
I started the week with reminders about using the text in your answers.  I also want to remind you about quality replies. Discussion Forums give you the opportunity to access content and share your thoughts with your peers.  In an online class, discussion forums are the same as group shares in the face-to-face classroom.  Try reading your post out loud before you submit it -- how does it sound?  what do you hear? what do you not hear?  Check out the following posts from Week 10's Covey Discussion Board and use the Leadership Rubric below it to assess each one:
Sample A - "Some things on the site that I thought were interesting were included in the “Voice Finder” section. In this part of the site. I thought it was interesting that Covey said that one’s voice is where four areas coincide: passions, what one likes to do; talents, what someone’s good at; conscience, how someone feels; and need, what the world needs from someone. He indicated that using all three elements of one’s life can be used to determine a potential career that would be doable, fulfilling, and profitable. One section that I thought was particularly helpful was in the “Baby Steps” section and involved relationships with friends. It gave examples of ways to avoid hanging out with friends that can cause harm, and 5 strategies for avoiding peer pressure. The latter strategies include being direct, blaming parents for rejecting social influences, using humor, finding alternatives, and simply walking away. I was surprised that Covey included information about addiction. I suppose that having an addiction would hinder someone’s success, but it’s not the first thing that came to mind when I thought about the topic being successful."
Sample B - "I found the list of ten baby steps interesting and very helpful.  Taking baby steps is the best thing people should do instead of taking big leaps and end up failing. "
Discussion Board Rubric:
A "1" consists of a short, general statement that could apply to any number of posts. 
A "2" is somewhat general, but addresses the question of “what”.
A "3" is a strong, in-depth response that answers both “what” and “why”.
Use the rubric to assess each sample and TEXT me your answers (ex. C-2)
Ready, learn, lead!
Whether you are a Duke fan or not, you cannot deny that Coach Mike Krzyzewski is a strong leader.  He has led the Duke men's basketball team to numerous national titles and America to a gold medal at the Olympics.  In a 2011 interview he outlined a few of his keys to success.  How can you apply his advice to your life?
If you cannot follow Coach K's advice because you have a commitment phobia, read this:
"Some assignments in life take more than a season.  Certain flavors of greatness take time. They require blood, sweat, and tears before you see the harvest.  This could be a job, a class, or a relationship. We all eventually face a decision that requires something deep of us. We want to hold back, we want to minimize our potential losses. We try to play it safe. And this is stupid.  It’s important — for our own sakes — that we don’t shy away from these opportunities to grow.  When you come across these situations where you feel uncomfortable and hesitant, don’t be afraid. Recognize that this is a form of Resistance — a spiritual, emotional battle.  Something is holding you back from committing; don’t let it.  Don’t wait for more information if it’s not going to come. Don’t “sleep on it.” Don’t procrastinate.  These are all distractions — subtle forms of deception defeating countless leaders that could be making a difference right now.  Embrace the challenge. Make the choice. Commit and do something.  The fruit is always worth the pain.  The alternative is that the fruit goes unpicked and falls to the ground, rotten. And who wants that?"   ( (Links to an external site.)) (Links to an external site.)
Message me in the course (use the inbox or send me a message from the gradebook), text/call me outside of Canvas at 919-435-2008, email me at, or message me using Remind.  If I do not answer right away, I will answer as soon as I can and definitely within 24 hours.  You can also get help using the Peer Tutoring Center -- click on the PTC quick link on our homepage.

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