Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Wednesday, November 2 -- Week 12 EARLY CALENDAR

Kudos to Josua for showing great leadership skills and putting academic success first!
Kudos to Grace for showing great leadership skills and putting academic success first!
Week 12 began yesterday.  

I posted a progress report last night for your schools.  Remember that NCVPS reports cumulative grades -- the grade is not a 9 weeks grade.

Ready, learn, lead!

How to Commit:
Whether you are a Duke fan or not, you cannot deny Coach Mike Krzyzewski is a strong leader.  He has led the Duke men's basketball team to numerous national titles and America to a gold medal at the Olympics.  In a 2011 interview he outlined a few of his keys to success.  How can you apply his advice to your life?

If you cannot follow Coach K's advice because you have a commitment phobia, read this:

"Some assignments in life take more than a season.  Certain flavors of greatness take time. They require blood, sweat, and tears before you see the harvest.  This could be a job, a class, or a relationship. We all eventually face a decision that requires something deep of us. We want to hold back, we want to minimize our potential losses. We try to play it safe. And this is stupid.  It’s important — for our own sakes — that we don’t shy away from these opportunities to grow.  When you come across these situations where you feel uncomfortable and hesitant, don’t be afraid. Recognize that this is a form of Resistance — a spiritual, emotional battle.  Something is holding you back from committing; don’t let it.  Don’t wait for more information if it’s not going to come. Don’t “sleep on it.” Don’t procrastinate.  These are all distractions — subtle forms of deception defeating countless leaders that could be making a difference right now.  Embrace the challenge. Make the choice. Commit and do something.  The fruit is always worth the pain.  The alternative is that the fruit goes unpicked and falls to the ground, rotten. And who wants that?"

Message me in the course (use the inbox or send me a message from the gradebook), text/call me outside of Canvas at 919-435-2008, email me at, or message me using Remind.  If I do not answer right away, I will answer as soon as I can and definitely within 24 hours.  You can also get help using the Peer Tutoring Center -- click on the PTC quick link on our homepage.

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