Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tuesday, November 29 -- Week 16 EARLY CALENDAR

Kylee used evidence from the text to back up her reply to a classmate -- way to go!
Wes connected the weekly topic to his post -- way to go!

Week 16 begins today.  It is our LAST week of new material.
We have 1 new week of course material left in our course and then 2 weeks of final exam activities. Our course ends on Friday, December 16.  Please read the separate announcement posted in this forum about final exam activities.  
I have re-opened all weeks for to allow you to catch up on any missing work.  Weeks 1-14 will close on December 5 so use your time wisely.  Remember that late work penalties apply to any missing work you turn in during this time.
Week 16 is about empowerment. As you begin to look at the tasks this week, think back on a time when someone's leadership empowered you to be better.How did that person, empower you? Did he/she increase your abilities?  Did he/she enable you to be the best you could be?  Dictionaries define EMPOWER as "to give someone more control over their life or more power to do something." Consider the people you have referenced this semester and apply their support to this definition. Empowerment is more than believing in you -- someone can empower you and not know you.
Week 16 Assignment Tips:
Empowerment Reading - Be sure you use the text to answer each questions.  For example, to answer question #1 you should explain the 3 obstacles outlined in the article.  When you consider a person you know or from history to answer #4, consider someone you have not discussed in the course so far.  Remember that empowerment is not the same thing as inspiring or supporting.
Empowerment Movie Poster 16.2 - Read the story about Ben Carson (former presidential candidate).  Be sure you understand his story of empowerment (do not worry about the media mess surrounding his run for president when you read).  Now consider another story of empowerment -- your own or someone else's.  Remember you can make one up as long as it fits the empowerment concept.  Then create a movie poster advertising a movie about this person's story.  Be creative!  Offer enough details on the poster so that it is clear you understand empowerment and so that this person's story is appealing to an audience.  You may use any application you wish to create one -- I recommend that you try Posterini or Canva (I used it to make the to-do list on our homepage).
Persuasion Discussion Forum - Once again, this discussion post should be 150 words.  Refer to the quote and/or the story about the Wind and Sun in your answer.  Address a time you were criticized AND address how a leader can help someone who feels this way to move forward.  Remember to reply to at least one classmate -- take the time to offer more than just "I agree" or "I like your idea" kind of replies.
Roosevelt Journal - In at least 150 words, explain T. Roosevelt's quote and why you agree or disagree with him.  Consider the idea of delegation as you answer this journal.  For example, during a family meal like Thanksgiving the clean-up process in my family was always delegated.  One person cleared the table and put away the food, one person washed, one person dried, one person put away, and one person cleaned the table and counters.  How would that process be different if someone meddled the whole time?  While the criticism may come from a good place, what effect does someone telling you to do something and then telling you how to do it while you do it have on you and on the process?
Headings created by Melissa Dettman using Canva.

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