Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Tuesday, November 22 -- Week 15 EARLY CALENDAR

Shout out to Lelah for putting her leadership journey first and focusing on completing her assignments before they are due!
Shout out to Ashly for putting her leadership journey first and focusing on completing her assignments before they are due!

Week 15 begins today and is due next Monday.  Enjoy your short week at school and have a wonderful holiday break!  
NCVPS is closed Thursday and Friday of this week for the Thanksgiving holiday.  You will be able to access the course as usual during the break -- Week 15 is due Monday, November 28.
We have 2 new weeks of course material left in our course and then 2 weeks of final exam activities.  Our course ends on Friday, December 16.
I will be re-opening all weeks for one week before final exams to allow you to catch up on any missing work -- please mark your calendars for  November 28-December 5 and plan accordingly.
presidential seal.png
Welcome to Week 15!  This week we will explore Presidential Leadership.  Remember that leadership goes beyond what is reported by the media and that leadership and political opinion are not the same things.
Week 15 Assignment Tips:
Ranking the Presidents - This assignment asks you to use Wikipedia.  Wikipedia is good for general information that is available in multiple places like the polls you will be reviewing for this assignment.  Choose TWO pollsters and look at their top 10 presidents.  Then answer the 4 questions.  Remember to offer at least 3 complete sentences for each question and to use information from the polls you reviewed as evidence.
Presidential Quotations 15.2 - Review the presidential quotes for patterns from the second attachment and choose your favorite.  Now that you have a favorite quotation, you will make a bumper sticker.  You may any program you wish to show your creativity.  Question #2 asks you to analyze the patterns you saw in the quotations.  Write a PARAGRAPH answering the questions from the assignment. For question #3, you will use the internet to find a quotation from a world leader and write a PARAGRAPH comparing that leader to your view of American presidents.  Remember to cite your quotation source.
Presidential Leadership Essays  - For this assignment, you will explore essays written by and about American Presidents.  Choose TWO essays to analyze.  Post your answers to the questions in the discussion forum.  Be sure you are offering quality answers and that you use information from the essays in your answers.  As always, respond to at least 1 classmate.
Kennedy Journal - When you answer this week's journal question, remember to refer to Kennedy's quotation and to use what you have learned this week about American Presidents to back up your argument.  This assignment is not about politics but about leadership so remember to keep political opinions out of your posts.
Headings created by Melissa Dettman using Canva.

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