Friday, February 22, 2019

Module 6 Day 1 - Monday, February 11 EARLY


Module 5 is due today. Module 6 begins today and is due on Monday.  We are almost to the halfway point of the semester (Module 8) -- you got this!
Got Group Work?  If you have not heard from your group members, complete your part of the assignment and then share it with the rest of the group. If you receive an activity someone else has started, you need to download it and add your own thoughts to it - if you do not add your own thoughts, you will not receive credit.  **Be sure you add your initials so it is clear which ideas are yours - I need to see that clearly in order to give you credit.  Leaders have to work with others so this activity is the perfect way to start practicing great leadership.  Good luck!
Got Feedback?  Be sure you read my feedback in the grade book for your assignments. Feedback is designed to do the following:
  • make connections to your ideas
  • offer tips for improvement
  • share resources to extend your learning
  • help your leadership journey
  • encourage dialogue with your teacher and your classmates
Important Due Dates:
  • Module 5 Leading through Relationships Due February 11
  • Module 6 Communication in Leadership Due February 18
  • Module 7 Effective Decision-Making in Leadership Due February 25
  • Module 8 Leadership at Home and Abroad Due March 4
  • Catch-Up Week March 4-15
  • Module 9 Obstacles in Leadership  Due March 18
Got Resources?  NCPVS provides lots of resources outside of our course to support you.  For virtual help from a peer, go to the Peer Tutoring Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. For technology issues, issue a help desk ticket with the Virtual Support Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. To learn more about the world around you, attend a Culture Cafe (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. session. Click on the visual below to explore all of the resources NCVPS provides to you:
NCVPS Resources.png
Module 6 is Communication in Leadership. In Module 5, you learned about effective communication in groups. This week you will continue exploring communication and see how it affects the ways you speak informally and formally to others.
Today's Assignments:
  • Module 6 Pre-Assessment 
  • Module 6 Lesson 1 Notes and CYK Quiz
  • Module 6 Lesson 1 Practice Activity
Module 6 Pre-Assessment
Take a few minutes to complete the pre-assessment so that you get a feel for how much you understand about the module topic. When you access your prior knowledge of a topic, it is easier for you to learn new ideas about it.
Module 6 Lesson 1 Notes and CYK Quiz
Complete your guided notes so you have them ready to use as you do your assignments.  Lesson 1 is Talk, Text, Social Media, and Face to Face.  The notes include the following topics: Antagonism, Protagonist, Audience, Communication, Face-to-Face Discussion, Email, Texting, Social Media. After you take the CYK, be sure to screenshot enough of your quiz so that I can identify which quiz you took.
Module 6 Lesson 1 Practice Activity - Types of Communication
Using the information from the notes and from your life as a leader, compose a well-developed response to the prompt. Then post your response to the Types of Communication discussion board. Once you post, read and reply to one or more of your classmate's posts.
Tips for Your Post
  • Discussion board activities are designed to help you grow in our ability to look at the world through different lenses and understand concepts from other perspectives. I encourage you to embrace this opportunity and take the time to think about your reflections before you write them.
  • Be sure to answer all parts of the prompt.
  • Explain your ideas in detail. For each idea, state it in one sentence and then explain it in a second sentence.  
  • Remember to address communication as it relates to being a leader and not just communication in general.  Use the lesson notes - they are your "textbook."
  • Refer to the notes in your post so that it is clear you understand the lesson. Some students find it helps to highlight key terms and/or ideas from the notes that they use in their post.
  • Abide by the 150-word count.  Word counts are in place to ensure you fully explain your ideas.  If you are explaining your ideas well, you will write more than the requirement anyway.  If you need help expanding your ideas, use the following questions:  did you address all parts of the prompt? did you explain your ideas fully? did you connect your ideas to the lesson? did you address how the prompt relates to your life and your leadership journey?
  • Remember that questions/prompts do not count in your word total.  When you write an essay, the prompt is not part of the word count -- the questions/prompts are not part the word count here either.
Tips for Your Reply
  • Just as you do for a post, take time to read other classmates' posts and think about your reply - you do not have to respond to the first one you read.  Just like a discussion/dialogue in a face-to-face class, online dialogues (i.e. discussion boards) are designed to help you learn by "listening" to other perspectives.
  • Be sure your comments to classmates are specific -- "I like..." is too vague and does not offer your classmate anything constructive.
  • Offer your classmate affirmation about what he/she posted and explain why you agree/disagree with his/her ideas.
  • Address content in your reply just as you address it in your post.  The strongest replies affirm confidence as well as understanding.
  • If you have to reply after I have graded your post, remember to send me a course message - Canvas does not notify teachers when replies are posted to graded discussion boards.
Contact 2017 - EC.jpg
Headings created by Melissa Dettman using Canva (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 2017

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