Friday, February 22, 2019

Module 3 Day 1 - Monday, February 11 TRADITIONAL


Module 2 is due today.  Module 3 begins today and is due Monday. Check out an overview of Module 3 at (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. By now you should be finding your "groove" but if you are still working on it, Module 3 offers you some time management strategies.
Important Due Dates:
  • Module 2 Leadership Defined Due February 11
  • Module 3 Time Management Due February 18
  • Module 4 Leading with Integrity Due February 25
  • Module 5 Leading through Relationships Due March 4
Got ABCs?  To be successful in our online course, follow the ABCs below:
  • Announcements - Read the Daily Announcements before you start working.  They will celebrate, inform and instruct you each weekday.
  • Be Present - Login and work daily.  Read all directions, rubrics, and feedback.  Ask questions.  Participate in the discussion boards and get to know your classmates.
  • Communicate - Check your course messages in Canvas and your texts/emails outside of Canvas.  Then reply to show you got the messages. 
  • Due Dates - Print the due dates and/or view them in the Canvas calendar. Plan your work and then work your plan. Late penalties will apply. 
  • Empower - Empower yourself by applying what you learn about leadership to your own journey.  Then pass on what you have learned to others.  
Got Resources?  NCPVS provides lots of resources outside of our course to support you.  For virtual help from a peer, go to the Peer Tutoring Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. For technology issues, issue a help desk ticket with the Virtual Support Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. To learn more about the world around you, attend a Culture Cafe (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. session. Click on the visual below to explore all of the resources NCVPS provides to you:
NCVPS Resources.png
Welcome to Module 3!  Module 3 is focused on time management. You will spend a great deal of time (ha!) this week exploring time wasters and learning tools to improve your time management.  Effective leaders manage their time well and help others do the same.
John Maxwell is considered a leadership expert.  Maxwell's advice on time management for leaders is to stay productive and successful by following this list of don'ts:
  1. Don't get sucked into social media.
  2. Don't go through the day without a plan.
  3. Don't do emotionally draining activities.
  4. Don't worry about things you cannot control.
  5. Don't hang out with negative people.
  6. Don't dwell on past mistakes.
  7. Don't focus on what other people are doing.
  8. Don't put yourself last in priority.
Click on the visual below to read Maxwell's explanations.  Which "don't" will you work on first?
time lost.png
Today's Assignments:
  • Module 3 Pre-Assessment
  • Module 3 Lesson 1 Notes 
  • Module 3 Lesson 1 Practice Activity 
  • Module 3 Lesson 1 Assignment Weekly Planner
Module 3 Pre-Assessment
What do you know about time management? Take a few minutes to tap into your prior knowledge and assess how effectively you maximize time.
Module 3 Lesson 1 Notes Check Your Knowledge Quiz
No matter how much you know about time management and/or how well you apply what you know to your daily life, you can always improve. Lesson 1 is "Time Management 101." The notes are divided into the following topics:  Time Management, What is time management? Tips for Time Management, Time Management and Social Media, A Sample Time Management Plan. Use the guided notes handout to record the information you learn from the Lesson 1 notes. When you are finished, take the Check Your Knowledge matching quiz on page 10 of the notes.  Screenshot your results and post.  Be sure to screenshot enough of the quiz to identify which quiz you took.
Module 3 Lesson 1 Practice Activity - Time Management Matrix
If you struggle with managing and/or maximizing your time, this activity is a great tool to help you figure out and balance tasks. You will learn how to determine what is urgent, non-urgent, important, and not important. Take this activity seriously and organize a week's worth of activities. Completing the Time Management Matrix will not only prepare you for Lesson 1 Assignment, but it will also help you look differently at how you spend your time.  Be sure you read the rubric before submitting - use it as a checklist.  Tips:
  • Make sure you offer explanations for what you put in each matrix box.  Be sure to fully explain your ideas. Remember to use the notes to enhance your reflection. What have you learned from the notes? What will you try that is different from what you have been doing and just as importantly, why?
  • Be sure that you answer each of the questions required for your reflection paragraph. What did you learn in the notes that you could apply to your time management and how does that fit with your leadership journey?

Clever Prototypes, L. (2018). Time Lost Cannot Be Regained Photos - FREE Creative Commons Photos of Time Lost Cannot Be RegainedPhotos For Class. Retrieved 11 February 2019, from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
8 Things Successful People Never Waste Time Doing. (2016). SUCCESS. Retrieved 11 February 2019, from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Contact 2017.png
Headings created by Melissa Dettman using Canva (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 2017

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