Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Wednesday, January 4 -- Weeks 17 and 18 TRADITIONAL CALENDAR

Just keep swimming!  You are almost to the finish line!
Your final exam activities are listed in Weeks 17 and 18 and are due when our course ends on Friday, January 13. Please read the separate announcement posted in this forum about final exam activities as well as the last two announcements posted before the break -- you will find important information in each.
All weeks are open from January 2-January 9 to allow you to catch up on any missing work.  Remember that late work penalties apply to any missing work you turn in during this time.  Be sure to message me in the course when you have added a reply to any discussion board -- I do not see your replies automatically.
Your Guidebook
The guidebook proposal is based on how companies like Amazon as well as Barnes and Noble advertise books online.  Go to one or both sites, search for your favorite book, and then review the guide.  Notice how you see an overview...just enough to interest you and get you to buy the book.  Remember that you are the author of the book you are making a guide for -- you are not writing each chapter but you are trying to get teens to buy the book by including information that will interest them.  The requirements are listed in the module and a template with further details is posted there as well.  The last frame of the template includes ideas to help you go above and beyond -- one of the ideas is to write a few pages from a chapter to use a preview so let your creativity and your knowledge of leadership guide you!
Headings created by Melissa Dettman using Canva.

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