Thursday, January 5, 2017

Thursday, January 5 -- Week 1 EARLY CALENDAR

Kudos to Joshua for completing his Getting Starting module and sending his first text to me!

Kudos to Matthew for completing his Getting Starting module!

Will you see your name here?  I will post student celebrations here each day -- celebrations may be about something awesome you do within the course or something great that is happening to you outside of the course.
Welcome back!  I will post an announcement each day to guide your leadership journey.  Announcements will be include 3 sections to help you:
  • CELEBRATE - showcase your success as well as that of your classmates
    • INFORM - share due dates, grade updates, etc.
    • INSTRUCT - offer assignment tips and real world connections
    We will complete 1 module each week so be sure you are working each day.  Students in the past have shared that the assignments are not difficult if you follow directions and stay on track.  As they experienced, the self-reflection is truly valuable.  Read their advice here.
    By Friday, you will have completed the Getting Started Unit as well as Week 1.  Ready, set, lead!
    Use the attached visual to help you navigate our course's homepage.
    We have to stay in communication each week.  Contact me with questions, concerns, or to share something that is going on in your life.  Once a week you should send me an evaluation of your learning.  We call these learning evaluations Windshield Checks.  By Thursday of each week, you should send me a quick explanation of your understanding and progress via text, email, or Canvas inbox.  You will learn more Windshield Checks and see examples in the Course Documents section of our course.

    Week 1 asks you to create a padlet in order to introduce yourself to the class.  I posted my own padlet to help you get to know me as well as to model how to complete the assignment.  If you need help creating a padlet, go to  Directions for posting to a discussion board are at the bottom of the assignment.
    If you are logging in for the first time, be sure to read Monday's Daily Announcement first.
    To get started, follow the steps in the visual below:Welcome & How to Get Started.png

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