Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Tuesday, January 31 -- Week 2 TRADITIONAL CALENDAR

Shout out to YOU for completing your first week and starting your second week of Leadership Development!  As Dr. Seuss would say, "You're off to great places. Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting...so get on your way!"
Week 2 began yesterday and is due Friday, February 3. I will not count work late if it is submitted by Sunday, February 5 -- you have a grace period built-in to each week.  
Week 1 work was due this past Friday. If you are new to the course or had other difficulties getting started, do not worry -- I will work with you as you catch up. Please reach out to me via course message, text, or email ASAP so that I can help you.
My goal is to grade your work within 24-48 hours of receiving it. Be sure to read my feedback so that you get tips for improving as well as extending your learning. Past students will tell you that they learn as much from the feedback as they do from the assignments.  By the end of this week, I share your progress with your parents.  Per NCVPS policy, I will share your progress at least once a month.  If you are struggling or missing assignments, I will be in contact with your parents more often.
To receive full credit, you must post quality work. In addition to the explanation of quality work in our syllabus (under Course Documents), I will leave ideas and examples of quality work in my feedback as well as in Daily Announcements.  Here is the grading scale for Leadership Development:
 Grading Scale 16-17.PNG
You can access a printable version of the grading scale by clicking on the image above.
Logging in for the first time?  Be sure to read the Daily Announcements from Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday so you know what to do to get started.
Ready, set, lead!  
We do not have a textbook however we do have text.  For Week 2, you will be reading about leadership theories, the differences between leaders and managers, and you will be taking a leadership styles inventory.  You will then use what you have read to complete your lessons. When you are posting your assignments, you should be referring to and explaining what you have learned from the text.  Please read the texts and/or take the analysis quizzes -- skipping the content means you are just going through the motions and not growing as a leader.  This course is not designed to be completion only.  
What evidence from the text can support your ideas? To help you reference the text, follow the PEEL format:  

Before posting any of your assignments, ask yourself the following questions:
a. Did I follow all instructions?
b. Did I completely answer the questions?
c. Do I clearly reflect that I understand and am thinking about the topic?  Did I use any weekly vocab?
d. Do I clearly reflect that I am applying the topic to my life--asking questions, giving examples, etc.?

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