Monday, January 23, 2017

Tuesday, January 24 -- Week 4 EARLY CALENDAR

A special shout out to Matthew who turns in quality work with each post. He references the text, makes connections to the real world, and applies the leadership ideas he is learning to his life. 

A special shout out to Jaquan who turns in quality work with each post. He references the text, makes connections to the real world, and applies the leadership ideas he is learning to his life. And he is doing all of this after he got a late start to the course!


Week 4 began yesterday and is due by Friday.  
As you learned in Week 3, collaboration with other leaders is one of the best ways to grow.  You have the opportunity to collaborate with your peers each week in our discussion boards.  Replies to classmates should show your understanding of what your classmate said and then offer affirmation and/or advice related to the week's content and your life experience.  Back up your ideas in your replies the same way you would back up your ideas in your assignments -- use state evidence and explain it.  Devon Haynie said it best in his article for US News:
Students should also keep in mind that discussion boards are meant to be conversations, where each post builds on the previous comment.  "Good response posts are response posts that do not only agree or disagree," says Ebner. "When you read another student's post, you have the ability to expand the conversation." To do that, students can reference material or, when appropriate, relate it to their own life experience, he says. 
- From "5 Ways to Ace Discussion Board Assignments in an Online Class" by Devon Hanie 
Ready, learn, lead!
How many times has an adult told you to stop wasting time?  Or how about how many times an adult complained about your time on a device?  So do teens have trouble managing time?  Does technology help or hurt their efforts?  Click on the picture below to find out 10 surprising facts about teens and time management:
warning students procrastinating.png
Before posting any of your assignments, ask yourself the following questions:
a. Did I follow all instructions?
b. Did I completely answer the questions?
c. Do I clearly reflect that I understand and am thinking about the topic?  Did I use any weekly vocab?
d. Do I clearly reflect that I am applying the topic to my life--asking questions, giving examples, etc.?
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