Monday, January 23, 2017

Monday, January 23 -- Welcome to Leadership! TRADITIONAL CALENDAR

Today I celebrate YOU for beginning your leadership journey!  Way to go!
Will you see your name here?  I will post student celebrations here each day -- celebrations may be about something awesome you do within the course or something great that is happening to you outside of the course.

I am Mrs. Dettman (pronounced Debt-man) and I will be your instructor for Leadership Development.  This course is awesome!  We will explore the many definitions of leadership, learn about your leadership style, and consider how to be a better leader in your life and community.  By Friday, you will have completed the Getting Started Unit as well as Week 1.  Ready, set, lead!
Use the attached visual to help you navigate our course's homepage.
We have to stay in communication each week.  Contact me with questions, concerns, or to share something that is going on in your life.  Once a week you should send me an evaluation of your learning.  We call these learning evaluations Windshield Checks.  By Thursday of each week, you should send me a quick explanation of your understanding and progress via text, email, or Canvas inbox.  You will learn more Windshield Checks and see examples in the Course Documents section of our course.
To get started, follow the steps in the visual below:
Welcome & How to Get Started.png


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