Thursday, January 19, 2017

Thursday, January 19 -- Week 3 EARLY CALENDAR

Shout out to Alyssa!  She is on track and stays in touch with me -- I look forward to her Windshield Check today!

Kudos to Michelle!  She got a late start and is working diligently to catch up!  She is also keeping me posted on her progress! 

Happy Windshield Check Day! Check recent announcements to read the one about WC:)
Week 3 continues and is due on Friday.  
I did not send grade reports to parents last week as I originally planned because so many of you got a late start due to weather or other circumstances.  I will be sending one this week to parents and I have already sent one to schools.  For missing work, I will be using zeros as placeholders -- once you turn in the missing Week 1 or Week 2 work, I will replace the zero with your earned grade.  As promised, I will not count Week 1 or 2 work as late.
Starting in Week 4, I will leave 3 weeks open at a time -- the previous week, the current week, and the upcoming week.  All other weeks will be closed so be sure to use your time wisely while weeks are open!
Need reminders of due dates? To help you keep up with deadlines, use your course calendar. Click on View Calendar in the far right column of our homepage. You can also use your checklists. On the second page of each module, you will find a checklist of assignments for that module/week. Another way to keep up is to sign up for Remind texts/emails.  To sign up for early calendar (EC) reminders, text @ecdettman to 81010.
Ready, learn, lead!
Collaboration begins when a group is formed.  How do groups form?  Many of you wrote about small groups like our Founding Fathers and Civil Rights leaders in your Week 2 journal responses to Margaret Mead's quote.  Now that you are exploring collaboration, check out Derek Silver's TEDTalk about how movements begin and how leaders and followers behave:
EC Contact (1).png

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