Friday, January 27, 2017

Friday, January 27 -- Week 1 TRADITIONAL CALENDAR

Way to go, Nicole!  She sent me an awesome Windshield Check yesterday!
Way to go, Skylar! She send me an awesome Windshield Check yesterday!
Will you see your name here?  I will post student celebrations here each day -- celebrations may be about something awesome you do within the course or something great that is happening to you outside of the course.
Week 1 is due today.  I will continue posting grades for Week 1 work today -- I am really enjoying getting to know you by viewing your padlets!  Be sure you are reading my comments in your gradebook -- some students say the feedback is as rewarding as the work!  Many of you have reposted after reading my comments -- thank you!  Taking advantage of the opportunity to repost your work is a sign of leadership.
Logging in for the first time?  Be sure to read the Daily Announcements from Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday so you know what to do to get started.
Ready, set, lead!  

Quality assignments must clearly display student understanding of the concept/question/prompt. Assignments must completely answer/discuss the concept/question/prompt and include SPECIFIC examples (from reading, from life experience, etc.). You must use at least one term or idea from the weekly unit. In addition, a quality post has no or only minor grammatical, spelling, or syntax errors. All assignments must be posted to the correct place and should be submitted by the deadline.
Quality replies consist of a strong, in-depth response that answers the questions "what" and "why."  Your replies must also contain formal grammar, syntax, and diction. Although you are talking to peers, discussion posts are still in an academic setting. The ability to discuss in a academic tone is an important collegiate skill.  I will leave you feedback in your gradebook -- read this feedback so that you know if you are posting quality work and if you are not, how to do so next time.


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