Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Wednesday, November 9 -- Weeks 10 and 11 TRADITIONAL CALENDAR

Way to go, Amaris!  She takes her work seriously and is moving forward on her leadership journey!
Weeks 10 and 11 began last week.  Remember that because these two weeks are about Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, they are due together on Monday, November 14.  To stay on schedule, you should be working on Week 11 work today.  

It is EASY to read the questions for each habit and quickly respond. In fact, many of our course assignments can be done without reading the required material.  However, a leader does not cut corners and a leader chooses to do any task well (and often times "over-well").  Ask yourself the following questions before you post:
  1. Did I refer to the text to show my understanding?
  2. Did I offer specific examples/ideas from the article and/or my life to demonstrate why my answer is correct?
  3. Did I explain my examples/ideas to prove my point?
  4. Did I connect my response to the weekly topic and/or use weekly vocabulary?
  5. Did I read my response and correct any errors?


Habit 1 (Be Proactive) showed you that you are in charge of your life, Habit #2 (Begin With the End in Mind) showed you how to plan your journey to success, and Habit 3 (Putting First Things First) showed you how to start that journey.  Habit 4 deals with interacting with others and focuses on how that interpersonal interaction furthers your own journey.  The 4th habit is THINK WIN-WIN.  It is based on the concept of "WIN" which means wanting to succeed and is the opposite of "LOSE" which mean expecting to fail.  Most people SAY they think win-win however they do not THINK  it.
Here is a practical example to explain win-win from (of all places...) an elementary school lesson plan:
Claire is in high school, has a big test coming up, and has just settled down to study. Amy, her younger sister, comes home from school, turns on the stereo, and starts dancing. Claire gets up and orders Amy to turn off the stereo. Amy protests, saying she never gets to have fun, and turns the stereo up.What does Claire need? What does Amy need? If Claire won, what would she get? How would she feel? If Amy won, what would she get? How would she feel?
Possible results of the conflict:
Amy gets what she needsAmy doesn't get what she needs
Claire gets what she needsWIN-WINWIN-LOSE
Claire doesn't get what she needsLOSE-WINLOSE-LOSE

Message me in the course (use the inbox or send me a message from the gradebook), text/call me outside of Canvas at 919-435-2008, email me at melissa.dettman@ncpublicschools.gov, or message me using Remind.  If I do not answer right away, I will answer as soon as I can and definitely within 24 hours.  You can also get help using the Peer Tutoring Center -- click on the PTC quick link on our homepage.

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