Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tuesday, November 15 -- Week 14 EARLY CALENDAR

Kudos to Adilen for taking leadership ideas and applying them to daily life!  Thank you for sharing your life with me!
Kudos to Courtney for taking leadership ideas and applying them to daily life!  Thank you for sharing your life with me!

Week 14 begins today.  
We have 3 new weeks of course material left in our course and then 2 weeks of final exam activities.  Our course ends on Friday, December 16.
I will be re-opening all weeks for one week before final exams to allow you to catch up on any missing work -- please mark your calendars for  November 28-December 5 and plan accordingly.
Week 14 is titled Personal Qualities II and is a continuation of Week 7 ideas.  This week we will pick up again with personal qualities, focusing on aspects such as discipline and integrity.  As you explore the content, remember your learning styles and frogs.  How do they affect your self-discipline and integrity?

Week 14 Assignment Tips:
Integrity - Before reading the article, read the questions.  For each of the 4 questions, plan on citing a phrase from the text. Remember to offer at least 3 complete sentences for each question.  Consider how integrity fits into your leadership journey thus far -- why is it a topic towards the end of the course instead of at the beginning?
Discipline - Once again, aim for using a phrase from the text for each question.  While questions such as #2, #4 and #6 ask you to discuss your life, the expectation is that you connect your life to the article.  How will you take information about discipline from this week and apply it to your previous leadership lessons?
NASA Crisis - You and your classmates will be using your discipline and integrity to handle a crisis on on the moon.  You are part of a resupply mission scheduled to rendezvous with a ship already on the moon, however your ship crashes 200 miles from your rendezvous point.  You will rank the 15 items left intact and undamaged -- which items are the most important? This simulation reminds me of what settlers headed west had to do as they moved cross country.  Have fun!  Remember to respond to your classmates!
Browning Journal - This Browning quote is briefly explained in the directions.  When you describe the situation in which you were misunderstood, be sure you refer back to the quote. Remember to relate your situation to the personal qualities of discipline and integrity as well as to your leadership journey.
To lead, leaders are so committed with their visions that they make themselves do what they should do under any circumstances. The good thing about this is that leadership is a decision, is a commitment, is an attitude. Self discipline is like the horse you ride to achieve things, to move people, to communicate, to go the extra mile. Your job is to “tame” that horse to help you achieve your goals and vision.
Message me in the course (use the inbox or send me a message from the gradebook), text/call me outside of Canvas at 919-435-2008, email me at melissa.dettman@ncpublicschools.gov, or message me using Remind.  If I do not answer right away, I will answer as soon as I can and definitely within 24 hours.  You can also get help using the Peer Tutoring Center -- click on the PTC quick link on our homepage.

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