Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tuesday, November 1 -- Week 12 EARLY CALENDAR

Way to go, Jazire!  He read my feedback and applied it to the work he reposted from previous weeks!  
Way to go, Ashly!  She took advantage of previous weeks being open to repost and improve her assignments!   
Week 12 begins today!  

I noticed that many students did not use the text in Weeks 10 and 11 assignments. Be sure you read the text and use it in your answers. Check out these tips for reading our texts:
  • Remember that the text you read in our course is our textbook -- when you read, read it with  meaning. 
  • Pre-read the questions so you know what to look for. 
  • Make connections to your life as you read -- if an example or phrase speaks to you, use it to help you answer the questions.  You do not have to take notes for our class but when you read it is still important to write down meaningful information. 
  • Remember to look for the weekly vocabulary in the text as well. 
Take a few minutes to process the text and you will find that your answers are richer, stronger, and most importantly, you will move further along your leadership journey.

Ready, learn, lead!


Commitment wall.png
This week we will explore commitment.  Now that the holidays are within sight, we all have a difficult time staying focused.  Which definition of commitment do you most connect?
Use several online dictionaries/magazines to define commitment.  How are the definitions alike?  How are the definitions different?  Here are a few I recommend...
As you begin your work this week, think about the following quotes: 
  • "Desire is the key to motivation, but it is determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal -- a commitment to excellence -- that will enable you to attain the success you seek."   - Mario Andretti
  • "When everything seems to be going  against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it."  - Henry Ford
  • "Nothing is given to man on earth -- struggle is built into the nature of life, and conflict is possible -- the hero is the man who lets no obstacle prevent him from pursuing the values he has chosen."  -- Andrew Bernstein
Week 12 Assignment Tips:
Commitment and Making a Difference Read the title of the assignment and then the title of the article.  In your text box, brainstorm your definition of commitment (easy for those of you that already send your definition to me via text) and your ideas of what you are committed to in your life. Then pre-read the questions and paste them under your brainstorm in your text message box.  Now read the article and take notes on the answers to each question as you read.  It is short so feel free to read it a second time to be sure you understand the material.  Now turn your notes into complete sentences (aim for at least 3 complete sentences for each of the 5 questions). Review your brainstorm as well so you can incorporate those ideas into your answers as well.  Review your answer for spelling, grammar, and clarity.
Commitment Tree - Before you worry about the visual aspect of this assignment, plan the written portion.  Write down 5 things you are committed to (they will eventually go on your trunk) and then write out things you must do to fulfill these commitments (these will go on your branches).  Then write your reflection.  By answering the questions with quality responses, you will  most certainly meet the 150 word requirement.  Now that you have a quality reflection, think about how you will visually represent your tree.  Be sure to look at the sample posted for you in the assignment.  Use any software program you wish or draw your tree and paste a picture of it.  By pressing the top left button in the message box, you will find buttons like "insert picture" to let you post a visual you saved on your computer.
Perseverance - There are 8 questions to answer about this article from Maxwell.  Begin by reading the questions.  Paste the questions into your text box.  Then read the article.  It is short so I recommend reading it a second time.  As you read, take notes on the answers to each of the 8 questions in your text box.  Use your  notes to answer each of the 8 questions will complete ideas and explanations.  Refer to the text -- if you were supposed to answer the questions without reading the text, the text would not be in the assignment. Review your answers to be sure you fully answered each question with complete sentences and complete ideas.
Life is a Coin - Explain the quote and then answer the questions asked in the prompt.  Be sure your example of personal sacrifice is SPECIFIC. Explain it so that it is clear that it is a great example.  Address how personal sacrifice inspires, encourages, and affects your maturity.  Saying it is inspiring, encouraging, and maturing is not answering the question.  Be sure your answer to the last question about the connection between leadership and sacrifice is clear and shows your understanding of leadership so far in this course.  As you do for each discussion forum each week, respond to at least 1 classmate in the forum.  Avoid replies like "I also really do agree with what you said." and use specific replies like "I agree that a group of confident people will always support each other and work to reach a goal. only when everyone is confident in themselves can they help and praise each other. It's so cool that you play on that team with top baseball players. Awesome job on winning those games! keep up the good work with your team!"
Eisenhower Journal - Start your answer by explaining the quote and how it relates the this week's theme of character traits.  Then answer each of the 3 questions that follow.  For each question, you should aim for 3 complete sentences that offer a clear explanation, details, and examples from your life (or someone else's).  I need to see that you understand the material quote and that you understand the week's content.  Remember to use vocabulary words and to meet the 150 word requirement.  If you follow my directions, neither task will be difficult!
Message me in the course (use the inbox or send me a message from the gradebook), text/call me outside of Canvas at 919-435-2008, email me at melissa.dettman@ncpublicschools.gov, or message me using Remind.  If I do not answer right away, I will answer as soon as I can and definitely within 24 hours.  You can also get help using the Peer Tutoring Center -- click on the PTC quick link on our homepage.

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