Monday, October 31, 2016

Monday, October 31 -- Week 9 TRADITIONAL CALENDAR

Way to connect our lessons to your life, Brittany!  Thank you for embracing your leadership journey!
You continue to develop your leadership skills -- you will get out of this course what you put in so be sure you are open to growth.  If you see the class only as something to do to get a grade, you are not growing.  Embrace the course as Brittany has and you will reap the rewards.

Weeks 1-9 remain open to allow you to make up missing assignments.  They will close October 31.

If you celebrate Halloween, please be safe!

When you complete your weekly assignments, it is important to make connections to the world around you. Here are two current articles to help you make those connections:

*Word of caution...remember your are DISCUSSING not arguing.  Avoid negative statements and stick to the facts.  This article from LifeHacker will help you avoid the pitfalls of political debate: (Links to an external site.)

Message me in the course (use the inbox or send me a message from the gradebook, text/call me outside of Canvas at 9196-435-2008, email me at, or message me using Remind.  If I do not answer right away, I will answer as soon as I can and definitely within 24 hours.  You can also get help using the Peer Tutoring Center -- click on the PTC quick link on our homepage.

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