Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Tuesday, October 4 -- Week 8 Begins EARLY CALENDAR

Way to go, Haley!  She is dedicated to giving this course her best!
Way to go, Angie!  She is dedicated to giving this course her best!

Week 8 begins today and is due next Monday.  

I am keeping an eye on the weather -- if Hurricane Matthew hits our coast, I will work with you to make up your work.  Take care of yourself and of your family:)

Ready, learn, lead!


inspiration mountain quote.png
Week 8 begins today!  As a continuation of last week's personal qualities focus, you will focus on inspiration and leadership in a crisis.  The Goldsmith articles offered you practical how-to information.  This week you will look at obstacles to your leadership.  Your job this week is to reflect on your leadership journey -- where are you now compared to where you were when the course began?  What has inspired you up to this point and what do you want to work on next?  How will you handle leadership obstacles?

Week 8 Assignment Tips:
Inspiration - This assignment addresses the energy creation necessary for making progress. Maxwell describes the 5 attributes of an inspiring leader in this week's text.  Which attribute do you do well?  Which one do you need to work on?  Be sure you read the questions and answer each part using the text and your life experiences.  Avoid simple phrases and sentences - offer a detailed explanation.  Use the weekly vocabulary.  Cite the text -- these questions can be answered without reading the text, however you miss the message and your grade will suffer.
Leading in a Crisis - Leading in a Crisis is designed to help you better understand vision development as it relates to making progress.  This reading will connect to those of you who plan on joining the military.  Maxwell describes a battlefield crisis and then reviews 4 pointers for keeping cool in that and any other crisis situation.  Remember to refer to the text to show you read the material and to answer each part of the questions. 
Problems - How does your attitude about a problem affect how you solve the problem?  This article answers that question.  You will learn how your goal orientation or your idea of the end will affect how you see and handle any situation. Once again, you can answer the questions without reading however that means you are not embracing the class and choosing to grow as a leader.  
Comic Strip - You will use MakeBeliefComix to create a 4-panel comic strip about your leadership journey so far.  The theme is "making progress."  Students love this activity (even students who do not see themselves as creative).  I encourage you to review your assignments for the class so far before getting started; look for your progress and use your leadership development class as your text.  **If the application does not work for you, remember to read the alternatives posted or ask me.
Can You Lead Crisis - If you enjoyed the Earth Colony challenge in Week 6, you will love this week's scenario!  Your team's discipline will be tested as you test the progression of your leadership skills thus far.  Your helicopter has crashed during a storm and your group must chose the things to take with them to survive the walk back to civilization.   You must rank the items listed to decide which items to take and then as a class determine the final importance of items.  Unlike the Earth Colony challenge, there are right answers for this one! Remember to reply to at least 1 other classmate (although never a problem for this activity) and to check the forum throughout the week for progress.
Nixon Journal - Although remembered first for the Watergate scandal, President Nixon was one of the most effective presidents of the 20th century.  Read his quote and apply what you have learned about making progress to write your journal.  This activity offers you the chance to use the week's vocabulary and weave the texts into your own understanding.  Remember to post at least 150 words (quote does not count toward your total).


Message me in the course (use the inbox or send me a message from the gradebook), text/call me outside of Canvas at 9196-435-2008, email me at melissa.dettman@ncpublicschools.gov, or message me using Remind.  If I do not answer right away, I will answer as soon as I can and definitely within 24 hours.  You can also get help using the Peer Tutoring Center -- click on the PTC quick link on our homepage.

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