Monday, October 3, 2016

Monday, October 3 -- Week 5 TRADITIONAL CALENDAR

Very special shout out to Olivia!  Her Week 4 journal not only connected the week's content to her analysis of the quote but she used color to highlight the vocabulary words she used!  AWESOME!
Week 5 is due tonight by midnight. I will be posting another progress report to your school tomorrow -- it will include grades for Weeks 1-4.  Be sure to use today to complete any missing assignments and/or repost assignments for which you did not get full credit -- remember that 3 weeks are open at a time.

Here are a few reminders:
  • Remember to work daily.
  • Try the following schedule: Complete lesson work on Tuesday/Wednesday, discussion forums on Thursday and journals on Friday.
  • You should be reading feedback from me, adding to the discussion boards, and reading announcements daily.  

Ready, learn, lead!


Week 5 continues!  Remember if you have trouble with a link, try copying and pasting it into a new tab or a new browser.  If the Goldsmith link is not cooperating, try using (Links to an external site.) 

This week you explored Leadership Online.  The internet and smart technology have so much to offer leaders!  When you have an issue with a skill, the cliche is correct...there is an app!  Consider apps to help with the following:
  • personal growth
  • communication
  • productivity
  • inspiration
  • creativity
  • collaboration
Go to (Links to an external site.) to find specific app recommendations that will help you sharpen your leadership skills.  Not all of the apps are free, but once you find an app you like, you can search for similar ones to meet your needs.
Message me in the course using the inbox on the left of the screen, text/call me outside of Canvas at 9196-435-2008, email me at, or message me using Remind.  If I do not answer right away, I will answer as soon as I can and definitely within 24 hours.  You can also get help using the Peer Tutoring Center -- click on the PTC quick link on our homepage.

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