Sunday, February 24, 2019

Module 7 Day 2 - Tuesday, February 19 EARLY

Module 7 began this past Monday and is due next Monday.  As we get closer to the midpoint of our course, note the following ideas:
  • You may redo any assignment at any time.  
  • There is not a midterm for Leadership Development.  
  • After Module 8, you have a Catch-Up Week.  There will not be new material that week so that you can go back and complete/tweak previous assignments.
  • NCVPS Late Penalties apply to work turned in after the due date.
Important Due Dates:
  • Module 7 Effective Decision-Making in Leadership Due February 25
  • Module 8 Leadership at Home and Abroad Due March 4
  • Catch-Up Week March 4-15
  • Module 9 Obstacles in Leadership  Due March 18
Got Resources?  NCPVS provides lots of resources outside of our course to support you.  For virtual help from a peer, go to the Peer Tutoring Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. For technology issues, issue a help desk ticket with the Virtual Support Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. To learn more about the world around you, attend a Culture Cafe (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. session. Click on the visual below to explore all of the resources NCVPS provides to you:
NCVPS Resources.png
Today's Assignment:
  • Module 7 Lesson 1 Assignment
Module 7 Lesson 1 Assignment - Survival on the Moon Discussion Board
Today you will apply what you know about decision-making to real-world leadership.  After you read the scenario, download the template.  For Part I, rank your items - be sure to offer detailed explanations of each ranking.  Then complete Part II by identifying the decision-making parts you used to rank your items.  Review Lesson 1 and your Practice Activity to be sure you understand each decision-making part.  Then assess your list.  The "Why" is the most important part.  Note the example below:
Term:  Risk Neutral
Your Rankings:  10 Gallons of Water
Example:  X
Why:  Since your most important needs include food and water, you place "10 Gallons of Water" high on your list to ensure you will survive.  You know the average 154 lb person needs at least 32 ounces of water a day to survive.  You also know there are 128 ounces in 1 gallon of water meaning 1 gallon will last 1 man 4 days and 1 gallon will last 4 men for 1 day.  You know someone is searching for you, but you still fear that it will take longer than 10 days for you to be rescued.  You also know that to get to the lunar outpost, you must travel 50 miles and 10 gallons of water is equivalent to about 83 pounds meaning it is quite heavy to take that far.  You balance the risk of carrying water with the risk of it being so heavy and rank "10 Gallons of Water" high on your list. Balancing the pros and cons of the risk means you are risk neutral.
Contact 2017 - EC.jpg
Headings created by Melissa Dettman using Canva (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 2017

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