Friday, February 22, 2019

Module 2 Day 3 - Wednesday, February 6 TRADITIONAL


Module 2 rocks on and is due Monday.  If you have not already marked your calendar, go ahead and do so - the upcoming due dates are listed below.  You will find a complete due dates calendar under Course Documents in Canvas.
Important Due Dates:
  • Module 2 Leadership Defined Due February 11
  • Module 3 Time Management Due February 18
  • Module 4 Leading with Integrity Due February 25
  • Module 5 Leading through Relationships Due March 4

Now that you are halfway done with Week 2 of our course, you should feel less overwhelmed and more comfortable navigating the course.  If you still have questions, remember to READ:
  1. Read all announcements.  Announcements are archived so you can access them at any time. They are a great help when you need to redo or make-up an assignment!
  2. Read your course messages.  Stay in touch with me - remember that leaders communicate! 
  3. Read the directions as well as the rubric for all activities and assignments before, during, and after you complete your work.  When you know how you are being evaluated, you will be able to more successful!
  4. Read your reminders.  Sign-up for Remind by texting @tcdettman to 81010.  Stay on top of your due dates so that you do not get behind.

Got Resources?  NCPVS provides lots of resources outside of our course to support you.  For virtual help from a peer, go to the Peer Tutoring Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. For technology issues, issue a help desk ticket with the Virtual Support Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. To learn more about the world around you, attend a Culture Cafe (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. session. Click on the visual below to explore all of the resources NCVPS provides to you:
NCVPS Resources.png
Today's Assignments:
  • Module 2 Lesson 2 Notes 
  • Module 2 Lesson 2 Practice Activity
Module 2 Lesson 2 Notes
Lesson 2 is "Leadership Traits." The notes include the following topics:  Integrity, Discipline, Perseverance, Commitment, Empowering, Communication, Confidence, Empathy, Creativity, Delegate, Reflection.  After you take the CYK, be sure to post a screenshot that includes as much of the quiz as you can include -- that way I see your score and which quiz you took.  You might be surprised that some students post the same score screenshot for each CYK instead of taking the quizzes.  
For general information about all CYKs as well as visual instructions, watch the video below:
Module 2 Lesson 2 Practice Activity - Earth Colony: Who Shall Go?
The year is 2250 and the planet Earth has become too crowded. Millions of people are starving. Millions do not have homes. The U.S. Congress has decided to send you and 99 others to live in a colony in space. If the first space colony is a success, others will be built.  Can you survive in space? Can you keep the colony alive? How would you handle this life happening if it was real? Open the Who Shall Go Practice Activity.  Carefully read the scenario.  Use the leadership traits from Lesson 2 to fill out the jobs, people, and analysis charts.  Be specific and chose leadership traits with purpose. Good luck choosing who shall go!  Here are a few tips to help you complete your template:
  • Be sure you use leadership traits from the Lesson 2 notes.
  • Avoid repeating the same statement for more than one category.
  • Explain your ideas with specific statements so it is clear you understand the definition of each leadership trait as well as the connection between leadership traits and survival on the moon.  
  • Read the directions and the rubric before, during, and after you complete your activity.
Contact 2017.png
Headings created by Melissa Dettman using Canva (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 2017

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