Friday, February 22, 2019

Module 2 Day 2 - Tuesday, February 5 TRADITIONAL


Good day, leaders! Module 2 rolls on and is due Monday.  I will enter the rest of Module 1 grades today - I noticed lots of last minute entries.  Be sure you are working daily and that you are not getting behind.  Once you get behind in an online course, it is VERY difficult to catch up.   
Important Due Dates:
  • Module 1 Getting Started Due February 4
  • Module 2 Leadership Defined Due February 11
  • Module 3 Time Management Due February 18
  • Module 4 Leading with Integrity Due February 25
  • Module 5 Leading through Relationships Due March 4
Got Netiquette?  Whether you have taken on online class or not, it is important to understand netiquette. According to (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., netiquette is "proper manners on the Internet."  Here are a few rules of behavior that I have picked up over the years that will ensure you are using proper manners when you contact your instructors and comment on your classmates' posts:
  • Identify yourself.
  • Be concise. If your question is about an assignment, include which one.
  • Use appropriate language. Avoid being rude and/or ugly.
  • Remember your tone. Avoid all caps (i.e. screaming), using emoticons incorrectly, etc.
  • Say thank you.  
What is netiquette? definition and meaning. (2018). Retrieved 5 February 2019, from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Got Resources?  NCPVS provides lots of resources outside of our course to support you.  For virtual help from a peer, go to the Peer Tutoring Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. For technology issues, issue a help desk ticket with the Virtual Support Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. To learn more about the world around you, attend a Culture Cafe (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. session. Click on the visual below to explore all of the resources NCVPS provides to you:
NCVPS Resources.png
Today's Assignment: 
  • Module 2 Lesson 1 Assignment - Case Study: Steve Jobs
Module 2 Lesson 1 Assignment - Case Study: Steve Jobs  
Heard of Steve Jobs and Apple?  For this activity, you will read a short biography of his dynamic leadership and then assess whether he uses most trait, behavioral, contingency, and power and influence theories. As you read, fill out the template (linked in the assignment).
Tips for the Theories:
  • Offering specific evidence of each leadership theory Jobs practiced on the job. (Hint:  Finding evidence here is the same kind of thing you do in English class when you read a novel and trace a theme.) 
  • Be sure you are choosing evidence that fits the appropriate theory -- you are being graded on how well you can apply the theories to a real-world example. 
  • To earn full credit, state the evidence from the reading and then explain how the evidence relates to the related theory. 
  • Be sure you clearly state whether or not you agree or disagree with the theory in your explanation.  Avoid vague answers like "I disagree" - explain, explain, explain.
  • Avoid filling in the same thing for the explanation as you did for evidence - the explanation column should be in your own words and should detail why you think that piece of evidence fits that particular theory. 
Tips for the Paragraph:
  • When you write your paragraph, include the evidence from the reading as well as the content from the lesson notes - show me that you really understand the theories. 
  • Be sure you write a well-developed, complete paragraph - a few sentences is not a paragraph.

Got Review?  You will have 15 modules of material in our course.  As you move from one module to another, it is important that you remember what you already learned.  Use this quick interactive review to revisit Module 1 Lesson 1:

M1L1 . (2018). Retrieved 5 February 2019, from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Contact 2017.png
Headings created by Melissa Dettman using Canva (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 2017

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