Friday, February 22, 2019

Module 2 Day 1 - Monday, February 4 TRADITIONAL


Welcome to Week 2 of Leadership Development!  Module 1 is due today.  Module 2 is open and is due Monday.   
Important Due Dates:
  • Module 1 Getting Started Due February 4
  • Module 2 Leadership Defined Due February 11
  • Module 3 Time Management Due February 18
  • Module 4 Leading with Integrity Due February 25
  • Module 5 Leading through Relationships Due March 4
Got missing work?  Tomorrow I will post zeros for any missing Module 1 work.  Zeros are placeholders in our course - you may redo any module assignment/activity and you may turn in missing work.  Sign-up for Remind by texting @tcdettman to 81010 and you will not miss a due date! But if you sure you understand the NCVPS late work policy -- 10% up to 1 week (starting the minute after the due date passes), 20% up to 2 weeks late, and then 40% after the second week. Remember that those points are deducted after the work is graded.
Got Success?  Now that you have completed your first module, here are a few tips to help you be successful with Module 2 as well as all modules:
  • Preview the module.  Before starting your work, preview the assignments using the smore I share via course message on Monday of each week.  Module 2 smore is found at Then go through the module in Canvas.  To do so, click on the Modules Quick Link on the home page - it takes you to the module's introduction.  Go through each page of the module.  Check to be sure you can view the notes (remember to enable mixed media) and open the quizzes and assignment templates. 
  • Look for the big picture ideas.  What is the module about? What are the main ideas listed in the introductions? What vocabulary will you be learning? What are the two lessons about and how do they relate to the module's title? How does this module fit with what you learned in the previous module?
  • Remember that each lesson is a matching set.  The lesson Introduction, the Notes/Check Your Knowledge, the Practice Activity, and the Assignment are interconnected.  You will use what you learn in the notes to help you in the Practice and the Assignment.  The Practice Activity is always something that will help you do the Assignment.  Remember Module 1 Lesson 1? You reflected on yourself in the Practice and then used that reflection to help create an introductory Padlet. What about Module 1 Lesson 2? Your Practice asked you to take an online self-assessment, reflect on your scores, and create 2 SMART/CLEAR goals. Then your Assignment asked you to pick one leadership goal and plan out the steps for making that goal a reality.  
  • Read, read, and reread the directions and the rubrics. The directions are very detailed and usually include steps to follow. Take one step at a time. The rubrics are based on the directions so be sure to read all parts of the rubrics very carefully.  For example, the rubric for Module 1 Lesson 2 Assignment asked for stops as well as strengths and weaknesses. Some students did not include any information from their online leadership quizzes. To be sure you understand what is being asked of you, go back to read about stops in the directions and think about why strengths/weaknesses are a part of the assignment. If something does not make sense, read the directions and read the rubric. Part of leadership development (and any class online or face-to-face) is problem-solving. If you cannot solve the problem, reach out to me and I will help you. 
Got Citations?  Most modules include an element of research.  Sometimes you will be looking for images to represent your ideas and other times you will be looking to extend your learning by finding ideas.  You are required to cite your give credit to people who created the images and ideas you are borrowing.  Last week I included a link to a smore to help you cite.  Take another look now - you will need to cite sources like a pro or you will lose valuable assignment points.  Tip:  I HIGHLY recommend the add-on called Cite This For Me.

Got Resources?  NCPVS provides lots of resources outside of our course to support you.  For virtual help from a peer, go to the Peer Tutoring Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. For technology issues, issue a help desk ticket with the Virtual Support Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. To learn more about the world around you, attend a Culture Cafe (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. session. Click on the visual below to explore all of the resources NCVPS provides to you:
NCVPS Resources.png
Today's Assignments: 
  • Module 2 Pre-Assessment
  • Module 2 Lesson 1 Practice Activity - Case Study: Steve Jobs
  • Module 2 Lesson 1 Assignment - Four Core Leadership Theories
Module 2 Pre-Assessment  Do not worry if you do not know everything -- use your test-taking skills to help you make educated guesses.
Module 2 Lesson 1 Notes and Check Your Knowledge - Lesson 1 is "Leadership Theories." The notes are divided into the following topics:  Leadership Is…, What is a leader?, What is leadership?, What are the foundations of leadership?, Trait Theory, Behavior Theory, Autocratic Leaders, Democratic Leaders, Laissez-faire Leaders, Contingency Theory, and Power & Influence Theory. If you cannot see the notes, follow the directions at the top of the page to enable mixed media.  There is also a video to help you if you learn best with visuals.  At the end of the notes, take the Check Your Knowledge assessment. Then screenshot your results - avoid posting just your score by including enough of the quiz to identify which quiz you took.
Module 2 Lesson 1 Practice Activity - Four Core Leadership Theories  Now that you have learned the leadership theories in the lesson notes, it is time to show your understanding. You have the choice of creating a Prezi, Canva, PowerPoint, Google Slides or making your own graphic organizer.  If you had issues with Prezi, I encourage you to try it again -- it is important for leaders to persevere! No matter the application you use to create your final product, be sure you start with the pre-planning guide template found in the assignment (remember this is not your final presentation). Be sure you are following the directions and including all of the information listed in the rubric. Your job is to showcase your understanding of the leadership theories - be creative!  Use the following tips:
  • Phrases/statements are not enough to show me that you understand the material and how it relates to your life. Offer specific examples from the notes and/or the real world to explain your ideas.
  • Be sure you fully explain whether you agree or disagree with each theory.  You must go beyond "I agree" or "I disagree."  What did you learn in the notes about each theory that you agree with or that you disagree with? Be specific - state your idea and then explain your idea.
  • When you share a strength and a weakness for each theory, consider how a leader would use this theory in the real world.  For everything you do in Leadership Development, you must relate it back to leadership and show that you are using the information to grow your own leadership skills. Fully explain your ideas.
  • Add visuals and/or soundbites to each theory.  Without these elements, your understanding of the theories is not as clear. The extra elements are not just for appearance but to show how you apply your understanding.  Note: A sound bite is a short phrase/sentence or music clip that captures the essence of what you are trying to say. It should summarize the information you are sharing. Learn more about sound bites at (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
  • Be sure to cite anything you add to your presentation using formal citations - go to (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to learn how.
  • Read your presentation before you submit - check for grammar, spelling, and capitalization issues.
15.1 Sound Bites and Quotables | Business Communication for Success. (2018). Retrieved 4 February 2019, from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Contact 2017.png
Headings created by Melissa Dettman using Canva (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 2017

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