Friday, February 22, 2019

Module 1 Day 3 - Wednesday, January 30 TRADITIONAL


Module One continues and is due Monday.  If you have questions about the GSU or earlier Module 1 work, read the announcements from Monday and Tuesday.  If you have questions about the course, join me for tonight's Virtual Classroom from 6-6:30 - I will post a course message later today about how to find it.
Important Due Dates:
  • Module 1 Getting Started Due February 4
  • Module 2 Leadership Defined Due February 11
  • Module 3 Time Management Due February 18
  • Module 4 Leading with Integrity Due February 25
  • Module 5 Leading through Relationships Due March 4
Got Frustration?  The beginning of any course has lots of information to read and to understand - as an online course, ours may seem like it has more to read and understand than face-to-face courses!  One of the reasons our course seems to have more is because you do not "see" or "hear" me each day.  That is why some announcements and assignment directions are long - they are long and more detailed so that you get as much information as possible to succeed.  Think of announcements and assignment directions as "seeing" and "hearing" me explain things to you.  In our course, leaders always READ before they SUCCEED!
Got Online Firsts?  This week has been full of "online firsts...":  your first announcement in our course, your first online submission in Leadership, your first course message from and to me, and your first Remind message from me.  For today's assignment, you will have more "online firsts." You will...
  • Create your first Padlet presentation.
  • Create your first online Works Cited/References.
  • Participate in your first online discussion board.
Be sure to read ALL of the information posted about Module 1 Lesson 1 Assignment in the instruct section below so that you have all of the resources you need for today's "online firsts."  Remember...leaders READ before they SUCCEED!
Got Grades?    Another "online first" for you this week is using an online grade book.  In the Week 1 Day 1 announcement, you learned how to find your grades.  Now that are completing assignments, take the time to explore the resource I shared with you on Monday.  Pay close attention to reading feedback - my feedback helps you correct, improve, and enrich your leadership journey.  My feedback also helps you get a good grade!  If the smore below does not open, go to

Got Resources?  NCPVS provides lots of resources outside of our course to support you.  For virtual help from a peer, go to the Peer Tutoring Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. For technology issues, issue a help desk ticket with the Virtual Support Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. To learn more about the world around you, attend a Culture Cafe (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. session. Click on the visual below to explore all of the resources NCVPS provides to you:
NCVPS Resources.png
Today's Assignment:
  • Module 1 Lesson 1 Assignment - All About Us Padlet and Discussion Board
Module 1 Lesson 1 Assignment - All About Us Padlet and Discussion Board
In Module 1 Lesson 1 Notes, you were introduced to the most fundamental requirement of leadership -- self-reflection.  Yesterday you completed a self-reflection template for your Module 1 Lesson 1 Practice Activity.  For this assignment, you will use the answers you posted on your practice activity template to create a Padlet that introduces you to the class.  Padlet is a cool, free presentation tool; it is a virtual bulletin board where you can share ideas.
  1. Before you begin your Padlet, be sure you read the directions and the rubric carefully.  To view the rubric, click on the settings wheel and then click show rubric - rubrics for discussion boards are posted differently than other assignments. 
  2. Now use your self-reflection template answers to create your Padlet and introduce yourself to the class. If you are unfamiliar with Padlet, click on the tutorial provided in the directions.  Note that the assignment directions refer to "posts." In Padlet, your board is called your wall and your entries on the board are called posts.  To post to your wall, simply double-click anywhere on the wall.  Give your post a title (ex. My Definition of Leadership, My Fears), type a detailed explanation, and add a visual.  You can add a visual by clicking on the link button to add a URL, the upload a file button to add a visual saved to your device, or the take a photo from your webcam button.  Remember that any visual you use must be cited.  For directions on how to cite properly, go to
  3. Once your Padlet is complete, you need to share it with your classmates.  Click on "share" in the top right corner.  Then click on Share/Export/Embed.  Now click on "Copy link.." and paste that link into the Canvas submission text box.  If you know how to, you are welcome to embed your Padlet. 
  4. Now that you have posted your Padlet to the discussion board, you should see your classmates' post as well. You will be working with your classmates throughout the semester in discussion board activities as well as group activities -- take the time to share your life and to get to know them.  Read your classmates' Padlets to start to get to know them. Then reply to at least TWO classmates.  To get full credit for your replies, you must post quality replies.  Go to to learn how to write a quality reply. 

Contact 2017.png
Headings created by Melissa Dettman using Canva (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 2017

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