Friday, February 22, 2019

Module 1 Begins - Tuesday, January 29 TRADITIONAL


Welcome back!  I am so excited to get to know you this semester and guide you on the next part of your leadership journey!  Just like in your face-to-face classes, there is important "getting started" stuff to do.  Be sure you have read my welcome course message (found in your Canvas Inbox) as well as my welcome announcement from yesterday.  If you have not done so, please stop reading this announcement and go back.
Yesterday you should have completed most if not all of the NCVPS Getting Started Unit - the GSU is due today.  Module 1 officially begins today and is due Monday.  Although module assignments are due on Mondays (Tuesdays during holiday weeks), waiting until the end of the week to work is not recommended.  Follow my lead and use Daily Announcements to help you complete a few assignments each day.  If you do so, you will have the weekends to redo any assignment, to get ahead, or to take a break! 
Important Due Dates:
  • NCVPS Getting Started Module  Due January 29
  • Module 1 Getting Started Due February 4
  • Module 2 Leadership Defined Due February 11
  • Module 3 Time Management Due February 18
  • Module 4 Leading with Integrity Due February 25
  • Module 5 Leading through Relationships Due March 4
Got Notes? 
Today you will go through your first set of lesson notes and take your first Check Your Knowledge Quiz.  For details about the specific CYK you will take today, read the information in the instruct section of this announcement.  For general information about all CYKs as well as visual instructions, watch the video below:
How to Submit
Yesterday you submitted your eCard in the GSU.  Your eCard shared contact information with me but it also gave you the opportunity to practice submitting an assignment.  Now that you have done so, consider the many ways Canvas allows you to turn in your work.  When you click the submit button on an activity or assignment, Canvas gives you several options:
  • You can resubmit an assignment using the "Re-Submit Assignment" button (scroll down to the bottom of this guide for a visual). 
Tip:  I recommend that you use Google Drive - it is free, easy, and as the guide above states, syncs perfectly with Canvas.
Still Got Questions?
I will be available for a Virtual Classroom session on Wednesday night (January 30) from 6-6:30 pm.  If you have questions or just want to see if I am a real teacher (haha!), join me!  I will send a course message tomorrow so you know where to go and how to join our Virtual Classroom.
Got Resources?  NCPVS provides lots of resources outside of our course to support you.  For virtual help from a peer, go to the Peer Tutoring Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. For technology issues, issue a help desk ticket with the Virtual Support Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. To learn more about the world around you, attend a Culture Cafe (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. session. Click on the visual below to explore all of the resources NCVPS provides to you:
NCVPS Resources.png
Today's Assignments:
  • Complete the NCVPS Getting Started Unit
  • Module 1 Pre-Assessment
  • Module 1 Lesson 1 Notes and Check Your Knowledge
  • Module 1 Lesson 1 Practice Activity
Complete the NCVPS Getting Started Unit
If you did not finish the GSU yesterday, please do so today.  Due to increased activity, some of the modules may not load at first.  Be sure you have cleared your cache (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and enabled mixed content.  Please turn in your completed eCard and Academic Integrity Agreement.
Module 1 Pre-AssessmentThe pre-assessment is required to move forward in the module but since it is formative, it does not affect your grade.  Take your time and assess your prior knowledge.  

Module 1 Lesson 1 Notes - Check Your KnowledgeLesson 1 is "All About You."  You will learn about self-reflection and how it affects your life as well as your leadership. The notes are divided into the following topics:  Begin Your Leadership Journey,  What is self-reflection?, How do you self-reflect?, What are the benefits of self-reflection?, Why is self-reflection necessary for leaders?, and the Value of Self-Reflection. The last page of your notes includes a Check Your Knowledge formative assessment. Take the assessment and then take a screenshot of your results. Take a moment to check your screenshot to be sure it includes enough information to identify which quiz you completed. Although CYKs for lesson notes are formative and do not hurt your grade, it is necessary to go through the notes and complete the assessment. You will be assessed on your application of concepts covered in each set of notes in lesson assignments as well as module post-assessments.  All module activities and assignments will ask you to apply what you learn in the notes - the notes are your textbook.
Module 1 Lesson 1 Practice Activity
All practice activities in our course prepare you for the lesson assignments.  Practice activities are like pre-planning for your assignment.  Module 1 Lesson 1 Practice Activity helps you begin the process of self-reflection as it relates to leadership. 
  • Before you begin working, read the directions and the rubric.  
  • Download and complete the template.  It is very important that you use the templates to turn in your work.
  • Be sure you answer all parts of each question, explain your ideas fully, offer evidence from the notes, and share examples from your life. 
  • The information you record on today's template will help you complete tomorrow's assignment.  The more detailed your answers today, the easier tomorrow's assignment will be. (FYI:  Throughout the course, your practice activity will prepare you to complete the lesson assignment.)
Tip If You Finish: You are welcome to move on to Module 1 Lesson 2.  My weekly newsletter ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.will overview the assignments, however, I recommend you follow my lead and use my announcements to guide you.  I will post very important information here that will help you complete the daily assignments - work smarter by using the announcements so you do not get frustrated or have to work harder.  
Contact 2017.png
Headings created by Melissa Dettman using Canva (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 2017

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