Friday, February 22, 2019

Welcome to Leadership Development! TRADITIONAL

Each day I will celebrate the accomplishments of YOU as you continue your leadership journey.  Look for YOUR name here as you work hard this semester, grow as a leader, and come together as a class!
Today I celebrate YOU for beginning your leadership journey!
Each day I will use the inform section to share due dates, grade updates, NCVPS initiatives, and anything else related to the management of this class.  
I am Mrs. Dettman (pronounced Debt-man) and I will be your instructor for Leadership Development.  This course is awesome!  We will explore the many definitions of leadership, learn about your leadership style, and consider how to be a better leader in your life and community.  If you are stressed about taking an online course, no worries!  The beginning of the semester can be exciting and overwhelming, but you will get the hang of things after a few days!  I will be reaching out to you this week to introduce myself.  Until then, take a moment to view this Padlet and start learning about me:
Made with Padlet
Got questions?  To help you on your first day, I have compiled a few of the most-asked questions.  Read the answers and remember that this announcement will be archived if you need to refer back to it in the future.
How do I navigate through the course?
Watch the following video to learn your way around the course.
When are my assignments due?
Module work is done Monday-Friday each week.  All work is due on Mondays (with the exception of a few Tuesdays due to holidays).  Although assignments are not technically due until the module ends, if you wait until the end of the week and/or the weekend to work, you risk getting behind.  Once you get behind, you incur NCVPS late penalties and missing work quickly snowballs into a failing grade.  Don't procrastinate!  Work daily.  Follow my lead and do the assignments I list in the instruct section of each Daily Announcement.  Understand your workload.  You can find a due dates document to print under Course Documents.  The calendar and the to-do sections of Canvas have due dates as well, but the best way to stay on top of your work is to sign up for Remind texts/emails.  To do so, download the Remind app and use the class code @tcdettman to sign up (you can also text me via Remind). 
How do I find my grades?
Click on Grades button in Canvas to view the grade book.  Remember that your grade is cumulative - NCVPS does not use quarters or 9 weeks.  Go to to learn how to interpret your scores as well as the feedback I leave for you.  My feedback along with the rubrics will explain your scores and guide any resubmissions you chose to do.
What do I do if I have a technology problem?
Technology is wonderful and awful...sometimes at the same time. We use lots of applications in our course. Why? Leadership is about trying new things and expanding your exposure to using technology to lead. When you use a new application, it is important to problem-solve and to persevere - do not give up just because something is an obstacle. Try each application. In addition to the tutorials linked in the assignments, I will post tips and how-to's in the Daily Announcements.  If an application does not work with your school's firewall or your computer, contact me and I will offer solutions and/or alternative applications.  When I cannot solve the problem, the NCVPS Virtual Support Center is the next resource.  Use the directions at to help you issue a help desk ticket.  
What do I do if I have a question or if I start to freak out?
When in need, always READ!  If you get stuck or just frustrated, re-read the announcements, the course messages, the assignment directions, and the assignment rubrics.  Most questions are answered by taking a breathe and regrouping.  If reading does not work, contact me - my contact information is located on the course homepage as well as at the bottom of every announcement.  NCPVS resources like the Peer Tutoring Center are also available to help.  Just ask!
Still Got Questions?
I will be available for a Virtual Classroom session on Wednesday night (January 30) from 6-6:30 pm.  If you have questions or just want to see if I am a real teacher (haha!), join me!  I will send a course message as well as post details in the announcements later this week so you know where to go and how to join our Virtual Classroom.
Important Due Dates:
  • NCVPS Getting Started Module  Due January 29
  • Module 1 Getting Started Due February 4
  • Module 2 Leadership Defined Due February 11
  • Module 3 Time Management Due February 18
  • Module 4 Leading with Integrity Due February 25
  • Module 5 Leading through Relationships Due March 4
Got Resources?  NCPVS provides lots of resources outside of our course to support you.  For virtual help from a peer, go to the Peer Tutoring Center. For technology issues, issue a help desk ticket with the Virtual Support Center. To learn more about the world around you, attend a Culture Cafe session. Click on the visual below to explore all of the resources NCVPS provides to you:
NCVPS Resources.png
Each day, the instruct section of announcements will overview what you should be working on that day.  In addition to explaining the assignments, I will offer tips for being successful as well as ideas for enriching your leadership journey.   
Today's Assignments:
  • NCVPS Getting Started Unit - Parts 1, 2, and 3
  • eCard Assignment
  • Academic Integrity Agreement
  • Begin Module 1
NCVPS Getting Started Unit - Parts 1, 2, and 3 
All NCVPS students begin their semesters by completing the NCVPS Getting Started Unit.  To access this module, go back to the course home page and click on the Getting Started Unit quick link under the instructor information.  Read each page carefully.  If you cannot see the videos, go back to the homepage and click the enable mixed media quick link.  Follow the instructions and then re-enter the GSU.  To move to the next page of the GSU, click next in the bottom right corner of the screen.
eCard Assignment
The eCard Assignment gives you the chance to share important contact information as well as to practice submitting a document.  Be sure to fill out the eCard in its entirety.
Academic Integrity Agreement
NCVPS expects students to maintain academic integrity while participating in online courses. These expectations include the following:  students’ work (such as assignments, postings, tests, and projects) must be original, student collaboration with others on any assignment must be pre-approved by instructors, and plagiarism, copyright infringement, falsifying work, and cheating is unacceptable.  To show that you understand and embrace your own academic integrity, complete the Academic Integrity Agreement.
Begin Module 1
If you have time today, please begin working on Module 1:  Getting Started in Leadership.  Start by overviewing the module at (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Then go back to Canvas and preview each page of Module 1.  Pay close attention to the format of the module as it will be the format of each module (i.e. Pre-Assessment, Lesson 1 - CYK, practice, assignment, Lesson 2 - CYK, practice, assignment, Post-Assessment).  You are welcome to take the Module 1 Pre-Assessment, but please wait until Tuesday to continue on to the rest of the module. Tomorrow I will post details about how to complete each assignment in the Daily Announcement.  While you will have the opportunity to work ahead after this week, please take your time this week and follow my lead.
Contact 2017.png
Headings created by Melissa Dettman using Canva (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 2017

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