Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Wednesday, January 25 -- Week 4 EARLY CALENDAR


Way to go, Katlynn!  She reached out to me for help -- great leaders know when and how to self-advocate!
Way to go, Genesis!  She reached out to me for help -- great leaders know when and how to self-advocate!

Week 4 continues and is due Friday.
Are you reading announcements daily?  If not, your missing out!  If you did not read Monday's Daily Announcement, go back and read it -- Monday announcements include explanations of the week's assignments and will guide you to post quality work.
Ready, learn, lead!
You will spend a great deal of time (ha!) this week exploring time wasters and learning tools to improve your time management.  Successful people manage their time well.  Take Maxwell's advice -- stay productive and successful. Cynthia Bazin of Inside Success shares 8 things to avoid so that you can stay productive and successful:
  1. Don't get sucked into social media.
  2. Don't go through the day without a plan.
  3. Don't do emotionally draining activities.
  4. Don't worry about things you cannot control.
  5. Don't hang out with negative people.
  6. Don't dwell on past mistakes.
  7. Don't focus on what other people are doing.
  8. Don't put yourself last in priority.
Click on the visual below to read his explanations for why you should avoid these 8 things.
time travel.png
Before posting any of your assignments, ask yourself the following questions:
a. Did I follow all instructions?
b. Did I completely answer the questions?
c. Do I clearly reflect that I understand and am thinking about the topic?  Did I use any weekly vocab?
d. Do I clearly reflect that I am applying the topic to my life--asking questions, giving examples, etc.?
EC Contact (1).png

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