Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Tuesday, January 10 -- Weeks 17 and 18 TRADITIONAL CALENDAR

Weeks 17 and 18 end Friday, January 13.  You have 4 days left!
During the course of the semester we covered many topics that can strengthen leadership. One of the things that you can do to exercise leadership is by designing a service project. If you are a bit stuck, here are 10 tips to help you out.  Be sure to share your idea in your Course Inventory.
1.     Determine what is needed in your community/county.
2.     Determine what types of activities your have interest in and abilities to do.
3.     List all activities.
4.    Ask yourself, how you would rank the activities in order of importance, based on steps 1 & 2.
5.     After you decide upon your community service project, develop a plan.
6.    Carry out the project as planned!
7.     Document your club's efforts with photos, videotape, or written notes.
8.    As you work on this project, monitor the activities taking place and make adjustments as needed.
9.    Develop a summary report of your experience when the project has been completed. Share it with others.
10.  Feel good about your contribution to the community and positive learning experience.

Headings created by Melissa Dettman using Canva.

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