Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Monday, January 3 -- Weeks 17 and 18 TRADITIONAL CALENDAR

Happy New Year!  Celebrate your leadership journey so far and set a course for your next stop along your leadership pathway!
Your final exam activities are listed in Weeks 17 and 18 and are due when our course ends on Friday, January 13. Please read the separate announcement posted in this forum about final exam activities as well as the last two announcements posted before the break -- you will find important information in each.
All weeks will re-open for January 2-January 9 to allow you to catch up on any missing work.  Remember that late work penalties apply to any missing work you turn in during this time.  Be sure to message me in the course when you have added a reply to any discussion board -- I do not see your replies automatically.
What little steps have you taken this semester in your leadership journey?  Where will you go next?  Your inventory should answer these questions.  Your inventory is a reflection or a response to what you have studied this semester.  I need to see how well you interact with the material from the course.  You need to show that you can evaluate ideas and make connections between the ideas in the material and your own.  To justify your opinion, give reasons supported with examples from the text. Here is a great example from a student's Week 15 Journal of how to answer a question with your ideas as well as with the text:
"I believe that it is much better for a leader to be honest.  No leader will ever be completely favored by everyone, so it is better for the leaders to focus on what they can control – honesty.  Even if the truth may initially seem to hinder a leader, it has been shown by the example of Kennedy provided that the presence of honesty will often improve situations.  As Stephen Covey said “Moral authority comes from following universal and timeless principles like honesty, integrity, treating people with respect.”  This quote shows that leaders will not gain popularity through their perfection, but will instead gain followers from being true to themselves and the people around them.  Covey also notes in the quote that a good leader will treat people with respect.  If leaders are honest to their followers, then they are showing their followers respect because they believe their followers have the right to know the truth."  
Remember that your final exam activities should show your understanding of the material as well as your growth.  Here are a few starter statements to demonstrate your thought process and your consideration of multiple perspectives:
“I used to believe ..., however, after considering the effect of ... my perception has shifted .... Once seemed obvious that ... yet now it is more tempting to ask .... Perhaps .... is an assumption which relies too heavily on ... Therefore it may be more accurate to suggest...”
Headings created by Melissa Dettman using Canva.

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