Friday, January 6, 2017

Friday, January 6 -- Week 1 EARLY CALENDAR

Jaia is on track!  In addition to finishing assignments, Jaia has texted me and signed up for Remind due date texts!

Brandon is on track! Check out his padlet and start getting to know him!

Will you see your name here?  I will post student celebrations here each day -- celebrations may be about something awesome you do within the course or something great that is happening to you outside of the course.
Be safe over the weekend during the winter weather!
You should be finishing the Getting Started module and Week 1 work today.  Week 1 is due tonight by midnight.  Per our late policy, work will not be counted late until if it turned in over the weekend -- you have a 2-day grace period. 
To help you keep up with deadlines,
  • Use your course calendar.  Click on "View Calendar" in the far right column of our homepage.
  • Use your checklists.  On the second page of each module, you will find a checklist of assignments for that module/week.
  • Sign up for Remind texts/emails.  See the visual below for directions.
Remind for EC.PNGRemind Email for EC.PNG
Contact me with questions, concerns, or to share something that is going on in your life.  One of your contacts each week should be an evaluation of your learning.  We call these learning evaluations Windshield Checks.  By Thursday of each week, you should send me a quick explanation of your understanding and progress via text, email, or Canvas inbox.  You will learn more about Windshield Checks and see examples in the Course Documents section of our course.
Ready, set, lead!


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Whether you have taken on online class or not, it is important to understand netiquette. According to, netiquette is "proper manners on the Internet."
Here are a few rules of behavior that I have picked up over the years for communication with instructors:
  • Identify yourself.
  • Be concise. If your question is about an assignment, include which one.
  • Use appropriate language. Avoid being rude and ugly
  • Remember your tone. Avoid all caps (i.e. screaming), using emoticons incorrectly, etc.
  • Say thank you. 
Read your message before you press send -- does it make sense? what info is missing? how might someone else interpret what you wrote?
Logging in for the first time?
Be sure to read Monday's Daily Announcement first for instructions on how to get started.

Message me in the course using the inbox on the left of the screen, text/call me outside of Canvas at 9196-435-2008, email me at, or message me using Remind.  If I do not answer right away, I will answer as soon as I can and definitely within 24 hours.  You can also get help using the Peer Tutoring Center -- click on the PTC quick link on our homepage.

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