Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Tuesday, December 20 -- Weeks 17 and 18 TRADITIONAL CALENDAR

Congratulations to YOU -- you finished Weeks 1-16!  
Your final exam activities are listed in Weeks 17 and 18 and open today.  Our course ends on Friday, January 13.  Please read the separate announcement posted in this forum about final exam activities.  
All weeks will re-open for you January 2-January 9 to allow you to catch up on any missing work.  Remember that late work penalties apply to any missing work you turn in during this time.  Be sure to message me in the course when you have added a reply to any discussion board -- I do not see your replies automatically.
Weeks 17 and 18 count for 25% of your final grade. To showcase what you have learned from Leadership Development, give your all to these assignments. You have all grown over the course of our semester and in reading your posts, I have seen each of you share a part of your own leadership journey. Add your personal story to your Week 17 and 18 assignments. The beauty of these projects is that they are student-centered and that they can be applied to the real world. Many of my former students have gone on to implement their ideas for community service -- you can do the same. Think of your last projects as the beginning of the next chapter in your leadership journey.
Your Final Exam consists of three activities averaged together to equal 25% of your grade.  Here is the break-down:
Course Feedback    6.25%
Leadership Inventory   6.25%
Leadership Guidebook Proposal    12.5%
Here is an overview of your assignments:
Course Feedback - This assignment asks you to answer 5 questions about the course.  Remember to answer each question honestly and thoroughly.  Please do not post short, vague, and/or incomplete answers.  Each question should be answered with a well-developed paragraph.
Leadership Inventory - This assignment asks you to answer 5 questions about your leadership journey.  It is a reflection.   The purpose of the assignment is for you to describe your experience and how it has changed you or helped you grow.  You should offer specific details from your experience AND from the texts used in the course.  When your inventory is finished, anyone who reads it should have a clear picture of how this experience affected you and how you have made progress.  Keep in mind that saying you have not grown is not an answer -- if you did even one assignment in this course, you have grown.
Leadership Guidebook Proposal - This assignment is weighted more than the others.  To show your understanding of the content and to help other teens on their leadership journeys, you will create a guidebook proposal for a book about leadership development.  You have the opportunity to be very creative for this assignment!  Be sure to include all of the requirements (i.e. title, table of contents, etc.) in your proposal.  I created a template to guide you.  You do not have to use PowerPoint -- the template is suggested but it does include the required parts as well as ideas for going above and beyond.
Headings created by Melissa Dettman using Canva.

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