Friday, December 16, 2016

Friday, December 16 -- Week 16 TRADITIONAL CALENDAR

Kudos to you all as a class! Thanks for all your hard work and for teaching me all about how to be an instructor in this course! Work hard over the next couple weeks to finish the course strong!
Week 16 is due Tuesday, December 20. We are getting close to the end of the class, so please plan accordingly. 
Also, the course ends on January 13. From January 2-9, all weeks of the course will be opened up for you to work in. Please plan accordingly.
This week will be my last week as a student teacher in this class. I have enjoyed getting to know each of you and understanding what this class is all about! Thanks for the experience!
Hello Students!
NCVPS is seeking your feedback as we continue to review and revise our processes and services. Your feedback is very important to us! 
All NCVPS students are encouraged to participate in this survey because, as a student, you are in a unique position to provide feedback on what you learned from the experience, supply information about our program, and offer suggestions for improvement.
This online survey will take about ten-fifteen minutes to complete.  
Please submit your responses to the survey no later than 
Friday, December 16th.
Please provide feedback specific to the course in which you are responding.
Link to survey:
Thank you for your participation!
Have you ever been around someone who can let anything go? They never get mad at something bad someone may say about them or upset at someone criticizing their work. It is like they have something controlling them to take the high-road and practice self-restraint or self-control even in really challenging times. What other leadership qualities do they possess that allows them to stay calm? Are the confident? Do they always seem to take the high road? Are they compassionate to what may be going on in that person's life? If all those characteristics are practiced effectively, it will not be hard to live out self-restraint. Next time you are in a situation that may be challenging, take a deep breath and don't blurt out a rude comment, practice self-restraint. 3077016285.png
Contact Information
Message me in the course (use the inbox or send me a message from the gradebook), text/call me outside of Canvas at 919-780-4417, email me at If I do not answer right away, I will answer as soon as I can and definitely within 24 hours. You can also get help using the Peer Tutoring Center -- click on the PTC quick link on our homepage.

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