Thursday, October 6, 2016

Thursday, October 6 -- Week 6 TRADITIONAL CALENDAR

Keep swimming, Lesley!  You got this!
Week 6 began Tuesday.  It is due Monday.  

Happy Windshield Check Day!  Keep up the communication -- it is a requirement for this course and for your leadership journey!

Ready, learn, lead!


Steve Tappin, CEO and Coach, uses the Oxford Dictionary's definition of dream:  "a cherished hope or ideal; a fantasy."  We works with companies around the world to help their teams learn to dream together.  His ideas are applicable to you as an individual as well.  

Exercise #1: So What is Your Dream?
Capture your dream in a few sentences.  The more relaxed you are, the more your imagination will flow so turn on your favorite music or watch your favorite movie.

"What I would love to happen..."   "My impact on the world could be..."

Exercise #2:  Conviction and Belief
Think of you dream and then ask yourself "why is it important."  Keep asking yourself why until you figure out what led you to dream this dream.  

Message me in the course (use the inbox or send me a message from the gradebook), text/call me outside of Canvas at 9196-435-2008, email me at, or message me using Remind.  If I do not answer right away, I will answer as soon as I can and definitely within 24 hours.  You can also get help using the Peer Tutoring Center -- click on the PTC quick link on our homepage.

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