Friday, October 21, 2016

Thursday, October 20 -- Weeks 10 and 11 EARLY CALENDAR

Shout out to Lesley for sending me her Windshield Check early!
Shout out to Marissa for being proactive and making sure I got her work!
Weeks 10 and 11 begin this week.  Because we are learning about Stephen Covey's habits, the assignments are spread out over 2 weeks/modules.  Weeks 10 and 11 will be due together on Monday, October 31.  
Many of you continue to be out of school and there are still several who do not have power.  Do not worry about late work from Hurricane Matthew -- Weeks 8-9 work will not be counted late.  
Weeks 1-9 remain open to allow you to make up missing assignments.  They will close October 25.
Be Proactive.png
The first Covey Habit is "Be Proactive."  What does proactive mean?  The prefix "pro" means "before" and the word "active" means "to do something."  If you are proactive, you make things happen instead of waiting for things to happen to you.  Covey suggests three ways to work on being being proactive.
  • Don’t suffer from the mistakes you made, be proactive and correct. Accept that you made a mistake and take action.
  • Make promises, set goals, even if they are really small ones. It builds the feeling of integrity and awareness and feeling of self-control.
  • Be a model, not a critic; be part of the solution.
Message me in the course (use the inbox or send me a message from the gradebook, text/call me outside of Canvas at 9196-435-2008, email me at, or message me using Remind.  If I do not answer right away, I will answer as soon as I can and definitely within 24 hours.  You can also get help using the Peer Tutoring Center -- click on the PTC quick link on our homepage.

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