Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Tuesday, September 6 -- Week 2 Begins TRADITIONAL CALENDAR

Awesome work, Lesley!  She continues to reach out to me with questions in and outside of the course!
Week 2 begins today!  Leadership is defined in many different ways.  Merriam-Webster defines it as "the power or ability to guide other people" while Business Dictionary defines it as "the activity of leading a group or organization with the ability to establish a clear vision, share that vision with others so that they will follow willingly, and providing the information, knowledge and methods to realize a vision." What is your definition of leadership?  This week you will begin to figure that out. 
Week 1 was due last night  Our weeks begin on Mondays and end on Tuesdays so that you have the weekend to finish assignments.  Our schedule is designed to give you wiggle room for the weeks you are busier and need more flexibility.  Work turned in past the Monday midnight deadline is considered late and grade penalties will apply.   
Ready, learn, lead!

Tuesdays are the first day of new material each week.  I will post tips for the week's assignments in every Tuesday announcement.  Be sure to read the directions first and then use the tips to supplement your understanding.

Here is more information about how to complete Week 2 assignments:    
Leadership Theories
This Week 2 assignment focuses on trying to define different types of leaders by defining different types of leadership.  Since we are focusing on developing your leadership skills, theories are a great place to start.  When you start reading through the different leadership theories, try to isolate which one you think is the best style of leadership from your own experience.  As you fill in your chart, remember to paraphrase.  I need to see your understanding of the material -- cutting and pasting does not show me your knowledge.  If you do not have an argument, play's devil's advocate.  For aspirations, consider what part of the theory is good for you and could make you a better leader.  When you are stuck, consider the theory as it relates to your future career.  This assignment is longer than most -- be patient and persevere!  
Leadership v. Management Visual
For 2.2, I am asking you to read background information and to create a visual comparing the styles of managers and leaders. The task of creating a visual on the computer really stresses a lot of students out!  Don’t panic or get to upset if you are not a computer wiz. If you are having problems creating a visual, feel free to do a written comparison. The important thing is to gain some insight into leadership and how it compares with the act of management such as where they may overlap and where they differ. Which role is more effective?  Find out by digging into the material!
Are You a Leader Reflection
This activity is one of my favorites!  Remember to answer the guiding questions listed in the assignment.  Be honest and be detailed!   Respond to each question with 3 or more complete sentences.  The more time you take to process and reflect, the more benefits you will reap.
What Makes a Leader Discussion
Your discussion forum activity for week 2 is asks you to consider your leadership potential.  Your job is to read the article and then discuss your findings in the discuss your findings in the discussion forum.  Be sure to answer the questions as thoroughly and completely as possible.  These are thought-provoking concepts and should be treated as such.  Offer examples from your life or from someone else's life to explain your ideas.  In addition to posting, you are required to reply to at least one classmate's post.  You may reply to a classmate who has already posted or you may come back later in the week and reply.  When you reply, avoid vague statements like "I like your idea" or "I agree" -- offer specific feedback.  Consider relating your classmate's ideas to something in the class, your life, and/or the real world.  Be sure you state and explain your ideas. 
Mead Journal
This week's journal asks you to respond to a quote by Mead. Journals give you the chance to personalize the course.  What does the quote mean? How does the quote relate to this week's topic as well as this week's material/content?  Did you use this week's vocabulary?  To avoid deductions for work that is less than quality, please show me that you understand the quote and the material.  Make the effort to meet the 150 word requirement -- it will not be difficult if you follow the STATE and EXPLAIN formula.  The requirement is in place to be sure you clearly understand the material and to are making connections to the real world as well.

Before posting any of your assignments, ask yourself the following questions:
a. Did I follow all instructions?
b. Did I completely answer the questions?
c. Do I clearly reflect that I understand and am thinking about the topic?  Did I use any weekly vocab?
d. Do I clearly reflect that I am applying the topic to my life--asking questions, giving examples, etc.?

Message me in the course using the inbox on the left of the screen, text/call me outside of Canvas at 9196-435-2008, email me at melissa.dettman@ncpublicschools.gov, or message me using Remind.  If I do not answer right away, I will answer as soon as I can and definitely within 24 hours.  You can also get help using the Peer Tutoring Center -- click on the PTC quick link on our homepage.

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