Monday, September 19, 2016

Monday, September 19 -- Week 3 Ends TRADITIONAL CALENDAR

Shout out to Kaycie for going above and beyond to make her work quality and her replies to classmates relevant!  
Week 3 is done! It is due tonight.  If you are waiting to complete your work on Mondays, consider the following schedule as an alternative:
  • Monday - Review graded assignments and repost anything necessary.  Preview next week's work and vocabulary. If time, begin work.
  • Tuesday and Wednesday - Complete this week's lessons.
  • Thursday - Complete this week's discussion board.  
  • Friday - Complete this week's journal.  Go back and reply to a classmate in the discussion board.
I will be posting a progress report to your schools this week.  
  • It will include grades from Weeks 1-2.  
  • Please check your gradebook to be sure I found your work.  
  • If you miss a deadline or wish to redo an assignment for more credit, you will have to RESUBMIT your work.  Remember to follow these directions so Canvas notifies me that I need to regrade: Scroll down to see how to resubmit.
  • Message me using Remind, my Google voice number at 919-435-2008, or the Inbox in Canvas if you have a question.
Ready, learn, lead!

According to Beth Schaefer, recipient of the 2016 EDUCAUSE Community Leadership Award, " To become a leader, take note of the opportunities around you and reach out to others. When you purposefully work toward building relationships and creating communities, you'll become an effective leader—both for yourself and for others."  How do you maintain and build strong relationships?  Here is Schaefer's advice:
  1. Ask questions, really listen, and develop a mutual commitment.
  2. Encourage others to take a chance.
  3. Develop your own communication skills and in turn help others to develop theirs.
  4. Make sure that you and your expectations are understood will benefit everyone.
What have you learned from this week's content that will help you accomplish these goals?  At the end of a week, reflect on your leadership journey and set goals for your next steps.  Then look at how the next weeks of content can help you.  For example, you will explore time management in Week 4 -- how can time management help you with relationships? 


Message me in the course using the inbox on the left of the screen, text/call me outside of Canvas at 9196-435-2008, email me at, or message me using Remind.  If I do not answer right away, I will answer as soon as I can and definitely within 24 hours.  You can also get help using the Peer Tutoring Center -- click on the PTC quick link on our homepage.

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