Friday, September 9, 2016

Friday, September 9 -- Week 2 TRADITIONAL CALENDAR

Shout out to Channing for an awesome Windshield Check:  
"Hi Mrs. Dettman! My windshield check is clear! I'm almost done with all of my assignments and I'm on track to start Week 3 soon!"

Week 2 continues and is due Monday.  Thank you for the Windshield Checks!  If you did not send me yours yesterday, send it today.
A few questions to ask yourself now that our course is in full-swing...
  • Have I communicated with my teacher yet?
  • Have I signed up for the Remind texts/emails?
  • Have I read and understood the feedback from my posted assignments?
  • Have I sent a Windshield Check?
If you answered no to any of the questions, then take care of it today -- take a responsible role in your leadership journey and embrace this class as an opportunity for growth!
Ready, learn, lead!
This week your activities have revolved around discovering your definition of leadership.  You will continue to mold your definition of leadership as the course progresses.  I will challenge your definition with the content in the course as well as with the real world connections I offer here and in my gradebook feedback.  Ultimately the goal is to prepare you for the world after high school.  TEDTalks is an awesome resource for learning about any "idea worth spreading."  As you watch the TEDTalk from Roselinde Torres, listen for the 3 questions she says business leaders need to ask to be successful -- consider your life as your business and apply the questions to your business. Here is the first of many TEDTalks I will share with you:
Before posting any of your assignments, ask yourself the following questions:
a. Did I follow all instructions?
b. Did I completely answer the questions?
c. Do I clearly reflect that I understand and am thinking about the topic?  Did I use any weekly vocab?
d. Do I clearly reflect that I am applying the topic to my life--asking questions, giving examples, etc.?
What evidence from the text can support your ideas? To help you reference the text, follow the PEEL format:  
Message me in the course using the inbox on the left of the screen, text/call me outside of Canvas at 9196-435-2008, email me at, or message me using Remind.  If I do not answer right away, I will answer as soon as I can and definitely within 24 hours.  You can also get help using the Peer Tutoring Center -- click on the PTC quick link on our homepage.

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