Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tuesday, September 27 -- Week 7 Begins EARLY CALENDAR

A special shout out to Autumn who turns in quality work with each post.  She references the text, makes connections to the real world, and applies the leadership ideas she is learning to her life.  

A special shout out to Caleb who turns in quality work with each post.  He references the text, makes connections to the real world, and applies the leadership ideas he is learning to his life.  And he asks for tips on how to improve -- wow!

Week 7 begins today.  Your work is due Monday, October 3.    Remember that I leave 3 weeks open at once -- later in the semester I will re-open weeks to allow you to turn in missing assignments.

Ready, learn, lead!

Week 7 begins today!  This week you will begin to explore Personal Qualities of Leadership. Some of the topics you will explore include decision-making, discipline, and common sense. 
Vince Lombardi said "Football is like life -- it requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority.”
Many of you are athletes and have used your experiences already as examples in your assignments.  When you consider inspiration this week, think once again about what inspires you on the field, the court, or the ring.  If you are not an athlete, you can apply Lombardi's wisdom to your life as well.  To see Lombardi in action and understand his leadership style, watch this video from the NFL at http://www.nfl.com/videos/a-football-life/0ap2000000303836/A-Football-Life-Vince-Lombardi-A-dynasty-is-built.  What is Lombardi's leadership style? 

This week's assignments:
Leadership So Far Questions - This activity asks you to reflect on your leadership journey by considering your current definition of leadership, identifying leaders and their leadership qualities, exploring change, and identifying a leadership quality you wish to develop.  Be sure you are offering at least 3 complete sentences to answer each question.  Although this assignment does not have its own text, consider the texts you have read this semester and refer to any that connect to your answers.  TIP:  Question #3 asks you to identify an international leader and a quality associated with that leader -- if you do not know of an international leader,go to npr.org or bbc.org to find one. 
Learning Styles Questions - This assignment takes you to a learning styles quiz developed by NCSU.  Most of you have taken learning style assessments before but your results of this assessment may surprise you.  As you take this quiz, consider how your learning style impacts not only how you study, but how you lead.  Go to http://www4.ncsu.edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/ILSdir/styles.htm to see what your specific results mean. Remember to post your results in your answer. 
A Life the Counts Questions - You will read Maxwell's ideas for leading a life that counts to complete this assignment.  He will explain the 3 factors he says are necessary to do so -- relationships, decisions, and experiences.   Be sure you read the questions and answer all parts of them in your post.  Pay close attention to the questions about the formulas in #2 and the second part of question #3 -- students often overlook these.
Eat the Frog - According to Mark Twain, you should eat your frog each morning.  What is your frog?  Read/watch to find out!  In Week 4 you explored your time management.  This assignment will help you take your management to the next level and teach you to prioritize the things you must do even though you do not like doing them.  Consider your Covey Quadrants as you explore your frogs.   Be sure to post your frogs and then post a quality reply (not just "I like" or "I agree") to your classmates.  You will update me on your eating of frog(s) throughout the rest of the semester.
Edison Journal - As always, respond to the quote using at least 150 words.  This quote from Edison may remind you of the "little engine that could."  Consider what you have learned in Week 7 as you respond -- refer to the text as well as to vocabulary to show you understand.  If you need help, ask me:)


Message me in the course (use the inbox or send me a message from the gradebook), text/call me outside of Canvas at 9196-435-2008, email me at melissa.dettman@ncpublicschools.gov, or message me using Remind.  If I do not answer right away, I will answer as soon as I can and definitely within 24 hours.  You can also get help using the Peer Tutoring Center -- click on the PTC quick link on our homepage.

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